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  1. Howl!~

    FF13 Turn play or Roam play

    I really hop that it is something like this: You can roam freely but as in FFXII you can see enemies, but you can either try to dodge them or if you get to close it draws you into a fight with them that you can't escape but you can still move around. But then again turn based would be so much...
  2. Howl!~

    First time through V

    I'm just starting this game so it is good for me to get some info about the bosses, and so far I think this is my second favorite FF game besides XII, I've only played or started IV, V, VI, X, and XII.
  3. Howl!~

    Hey everyone

    Thanks I think I'll be here for awhile!
  4. Howl!~

    Hey everyone

    HI I'm new here and just letting you all know that I'm here...well....I'm here! XD Bye!