First time through V


ShinRa Guard
Jun 25, 2008
So I just beat Final Fantasy V for the first time. (GBA version) And I have to say I though Neo Exdeath was hard. It took me more than a few tries to beat him. But in the end I used Zeninage with three of my people. Cheap? Yeah it was, but I was in a hurry to beat it before IV DS came out. I'd like to hear some of the things you guys did to beat him. I had a Gladiator, White Mage, and 2 Samurais.
i'm not too sure how different the GBA version is from the PSX version, but all of my characters were bare or jobless when i fought exdeath. the bare class has the best stats. but yeah, he was harder than i expected. it wasn't like ffVII where you just spam knights of the round, or VIII where you just spam squall's limit. can't remember IX and X's final battle was a joke. XII's battle was incredibly easy too from what i remember. But yeah, exdeath wasn't a pushover for me.
Heheh, I just went through the battle with Exdeath again and found him to be easier the second time. All of my characters were conscious when I beat Neo Exdeath, unlike the first time when only Krile and Bartz were standing.
I just beat it for the fisrt time, and I have to say, it was such a bum hole of a game. I never actually had to face Neo X Death seeing as I used mix and beserked his treey self so once I beat him, that was the end :monster:

Such a cop out I know, but I srsly hate this game, Idied so many times, on like every single boss Ijust wanted it out of the sodding way >_>

I'm just starting this game so it is good for me to get some info about the bosses, and so far I think this is my second favorite FF game besides XII, I've only played or started IV, V, VI, X, and XII.
Be prepered for lots of training........and the jobs are awful, and they will need lots of training aswel.. I'm sure not everybody hates it as much as me, but still, train lots -__-

That's the only advice I can really gove because I failed so bad at this game
Yeah, I actually got raped by him when I got to him, and I'm stuck in the Void. Once you pass the Library and do some switcheroo, you can't go back apparently to get out of the void or even go back to the early stages of the Void.

However, I did save before entering the Void just in case it was a point of no return, so if I ever find my ps1 memory card, I'll start from there, power level, pick up a few Maiden's Kisses, and finally beat the game.
i'm not too sure how different the GBA version is from the PSX version, but ....

well there is not alot of differences, a few new dungeons, a few new enemies, new window design, and portraits by yoshitaka amano...
it was cool to have remade, unless you live in the states, I bought the US version of FFV advanced and the dialogue seemed as if it was written by rejected simpsons writers....

either way, :holyshit: I agree with you NeoExdeath was friggin hard!