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  1. B

    Ok pick your Eidolons

    This is kinda sad coming from me, someone who'd rather take Eden from FF8 over Omnislash.... I found Carbuncle the most useful...though It didn't deal damage it could prtect your party by putting them in Relfect, Vanish, Shell, or Haste if i remembered them correctly.
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    Most Useless Character?

    Cinna, here. Out of the Tantualus fighters he fell the quickest, quicker than a man shot right in the head. Baku was able to kill him in a hit....not Blank or Marcus though.
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    Hardest Boss

    God my FFIX is so messed up. My hardest boss used to Necron... But now it's effin Trance Kuja. You try beating him with the only people your game lets you have which are all below LV50 (excluding one) with only two of them with there final weapon Freya LV43 - Weapon: Kain's Lance HP: High 3000s...
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    Miracle Star Online

    Link: Description: A community forum with topics such as entertainment, and world history/present news. Also with an arcade of 500+ games, some of which the high scores may be hard for you to beat. We also have a clan area where you can pick an...
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    What did you think of the Draw System?

    I liked the Draw system. It would take a while to depleet 100 of a magic. And since each character can carry a maximum of 3200 spells. You're talking 10000+ spells for all 6 characters. If you took the other FF's your MP would probably reach around 6000-10000 (7 and before). But think if each...
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    If i remember correctly they could also be obtained my Status Mag RF. Actually i have at least 300 Meltdowns. In my opinion it's 3rd best magic behind Ultima and Apocolypse