Most Useless Character?

Most Useless Character?

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Its as i thought - Quina is (so far) the most useless character. Vivi isnt worthless (someone up there said he was) He actually contributes a lot to the storyline and a lot of it revolves around him.
Ericko && Quina Ericko becuzz she is way worse then Granet ^_^ (shes rocks) lol && she liked picking on Vivi IMO I THINK Vivi is cute! lol && she liked zidane OMFG that was Garnets Man! no one takes her man!! lol:P
&& Quina cuzz s/he is Fucking Annyoing!!!! && u don't even kno wat IT is!!! wtf??
I gotta say Quina or Amarant (although I never gave him much a chance). Their character specific abilities weren't particularly powerful or useful at all, and as characters in the storyline, they weren't particularly necessary.
As cute as Vivi is, the story wouldn't be too different without him...
Would someone like to challenge me, bygiving me a part of the storyline that could survive without him?

Don't getme wrong. He's the cutest little Black Mage ever and I love him, but I just think the game could've got by without him. PS: I still think Quina sucks.
well i suppose on the ship when black waltz 3 attacks and he goes into trance
Also getting some of the chest which vivi needs to melt to get to
I've got to say that all the characters in the game were pretty much needed, with the acception of Quina. It is the only one that doesn't have any tie-in to the story, at all. Everyone else has at least something to keep them interesting and relevant.
I've got to say that all the characters in the game were pretty much needed, with the acception of Quina. It is the only one that doesn't have any tie-in to the story, at all. Everyone else has at least something to keep them interesting and relevant.

I have to agree with you on this. I like Quina enough, don't get me wrong. It's just that I felt like she just popped out of nowhere and suddenly joined the party...reason being that she wants to taste all the different kinds of food in the world. -_- I laughed at that. That's very inspirational, oh yeah. :P
You saying that Vivi is useless? I completely disagree with that. Half of the plot is about him. He's easily the third most important character in the game. You wouldn't even have the game without him.
Definatly Marcus and crew they serve no purpose at all. Everything they can do Zidane can do better. (no pun intended). Their only special ability is steal wich Zidane has and you cant even give them good gear and they have no trance. Their whole purpose is to just fill up your party at the begining of the game.

And how is Freya usless shes one of the best characters in the game. Shes twice as strong as Zidane and can jump to avoid damage for a while. Her dragon attacks are beastly as well. Also she is very crucial to the storyline especially around Clera/Burmecia area without her you would not be able to get through Gizmaluk's Grotta let alone even into Clera.

And for the person that said Vivi has no tie in to the story your way off. Black Mage Village would be a lot less important without Vivi. As would be the entire arguement over weather the Black Mages are mindless puppets or not. Without Vivi there would be no sympathy for the Black Mages at all.
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Freya can be considered useless because while shes indispensible when shes in your party on disk one and two when you get her back on disk 3 shes at least 10 levels behind zidane vivi and dagger and very annoying to train up.
I would have to say Amarant. He is like a gimp Zidane.. steiner and freya are by far better Imo for physical attackers, and using skills.
I chose Eiko, simply because I found her healing powers and summons completely and utterly lacking in comparison to Garnet's. I also chose her because, well, she never really did anything storywise besides go for Zidane...oh, and the whole Alexander thing, but that wasn't much of anything...

Oh, and then there is also the fact that she used flutes, which did absolutely nothing in battle, and tennis rackets, which Garnet could use as well. In fact, the only useful thing I ever found her to use for was pheonix, and that is only because Garnet couldn't use it.

here, here, i don't see the point of music of flutes in battles... but yeah that is probably the only useful thing about her
Cinna, here.
Out of the Tantualus fighters he fell the quickest, quicker than a man shot right in the head. Baku was able to kill him in a hit....not Blank or Marcus though.
from past experiences, eiko IS better than Garnet, not as important to the story, but definately more powerful, LOL, AND, she doesn't have the more mainstream summon line up, but w/e. and while people apparently hate quina, he/she can be really strong at times, and truth be told, i loved the frog catching mini-game:lol:
Its Quina All The Way Im Affraid, Her Only Decent Attrbute Was The Fact She/he Could Eat The Enemies And Learn Special Abilities... And The Only Works 1/5 Times!

1. "So whats her surname going to be?"
2. "hmmm...."
1. "shall we just make it the first part of her first name?"
2. "Yep agreed so the most pointless character is called QUINA QUIN"
2. "so what gender is it going to be?"
1. "Ohhh... lets just make it a he she"
1 and 2. "Agreed!"

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Ugh, everyone who thinks Quina is a waste of space needs to have their gaming talents reviewed. Possibly one of the most valued character of my party at any time, honestly. However I will somewhat contradict myself and admit Quina was quite poor when you obtain it. With Magic Hammer, White Wind, Earth Shake, and Mighty Guard, Quina's bloody useful. His forks have pretty good STR values, AND some of them distribute negative status ailments to foes. Varied power... but perfectly capable of dealing as much damage as anyone else.

I don't really find any of the characters to be useless. I didn't find much point in Eiko (despite Madeen and Phoenix), so I never used her much. Same for Freya. Her attack power wasn't all too impressive, and her special abilities took time to even get good... except Lancer. That was great throughout.
Based on usage though, I'll vote for Eiko.