Most Useless Character?

Most Useless Character?

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My votes are on quina..I would have to agree with Lassic
First off, what the hell is it?
Second, what the hell gender is it?
Third, what the hell is it doing in your party?
I though Quina was pretty gay
I'd have to go for Quina. Half the time, s/he doesn't make much damage in battle.
Quina and Amarant (I think as well) because it is kind of true, if you cut them out the story really wouldn't be that different. You can't cut Freya out, because she played a vital role in the story. I'm sorry, even if you don't like Eiko, she also had a place in the main story that would have changed drastically had she not been there. You cannot take Steiner out. Some people may not have liked him because he did have a lot of flaws but he played an important part as well, along with Beatrix. And there wouldn't have been a Tantalus if Marcus, Cinna, and Blank hadn't been involved leaving Zidane with very little story of his own.
I found Quina quite useful, being able to eat enemies and learn abilities. Its mighty guard ability was perfect.
When you go on about Quina and Amarant, well, Amarant does have a point to the story - someone forget his connection with Zidane? Quina is kind of pointless yes. However, he is one of the best blue mages out of the later FF's - better then Quistis, to a certain degree, better then Kimahri (as for early FF's I don't know).

His skills were very useful, IMO. The most useless? Steiner and Eiko. Sure, Steiner could like..have a powerful physical attack, but he had nothing else special about him.

Eiko was just weak in general. =x
Hmm, well it really does depend on what your looking for, If your the best party against say, Necron, then you wouldnt bother with healers cause your just plain stupid if u do. Maybe garnet for her Aeons. Anyway, In the long run I would say Eiko most usless, Garnet is enough, Amarant possibility for good attacks.
Quina can kick some good ace if you learn his BLUE MAGIC! for all you dupids out there who never new this...
(why the hell u you include beatrix? as a whole she sucks, besides the millisecond you use her)
My vote went for Quina. This was a great FF Title and I fully agree that the story and game wouldn't change at all with "it" missing.
Amarant. He came way to late in the story and didn't really have a big part in it. It was especially annoying when he chose to go off on his own and ends up spraining his ankle! Then you have to go back and save him. I was especially pissed when I died the first time I did that part. So there went two hours of game play.

I wish you got to have Beatrix join your party instead. But I think they wanted to have a monk in there because it was one of the original classes. So why not just make Steiner's character a monk?

I would have put down Quina if he/she didn't basically save my characters at one point in the game. I had all my attackers on the forgotten continent, and magic wasn't doing any good in Kuja's place. So Quina ended up doing most of my fighting.
Quina was pointless I only had it in my party when I was forced to. I thought Amarant was also pretty crap in view of he's place in the story but he was pretty strong in my party espically with his throw ability.

Hands down, Quina has very little to do with the story, only helping out Eiko once in the entire game. Vivi, having lived with a Qu for most of his life, probably could have been used in place of Quina. His passing knowledge of food could be explained as stuff he remembered from when his "grandpa" was alive.

Quina takes a long time to turn into a passable fighter, and I've found that I can easily make it through the game without resulting to spending hours trying to get an enemy down to the absolute perfect HP so that Quina can eat it. In fact, I've never really used a Blue Mage's skills in any of the other games.

And so, in the immortal words of Eiko Carol...
Quina is..."so WEIRD!"
-obligatory "kupo-po!"
I have nothing personal against Beatrix, in fact I loved her character, I just think that she was just a pawn caught in the middle of something bigger and her role could ahve easily been erased. I'm glad she was in FFIX, and I wouldn't want it any other way, but besides her interuptions to the main party's bigger problems (Brahne and Kuja), she was just a lustful interest to Steiner. Plus she could kick some serious ass in battle.

Great character, but the least needed of the story.
Why are people voting for Amarant??

He is soo cool!

Yes he may join you late in the game, but that's when you have Eiko *vomits* thus completing your squad with some good members. He is fast, strong and has wicked abilities: everyone loves to throw pinwheels - or weak items in the upside-down palace.
A lot of people say that Quina is the most useless, but I for one know that if you level him/her up and get it's ultimate weapon, as well as teach him/her the appropriate blue magic, it can be one of the best attackers in your party. =]

I found Eiko to be virtually useless, since I used Garnet as my summoner/healer. =]
I found Amarant the most useless because i never used him. Although he is pretty cool.