Most Useless Character?

Most Useless Character?

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Storyline-wise, Quina is the worst of the eight main playable characters, though he/she can be good comic relief.

Battle-wise, Steiner is the worst of the eight main playable characters. He's a one-trick pony, and by the time you get to the part of the game where you can choose your characters, Zidane, Freya and Amarant will be dealing good enough damage anyway, especially if you've been powering up Thievery and Dragon's Crest.

Quina is definitely not useless in battle, and neither is Eiko - the only thing Garnet has over her is elemental versitality, and Vivi can cover that angle. If your party includes either Vivi or Eiko then the other is a better choice of party member than Garnet.
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I disagree with the Steiner part.
That magic attack combo that he uses with Vivi basically got him to dealing about 9999 damage way wayyyyyyyyyy before any of my other PCs did.

But as to the most useless -- Quina no doubt
S/He (???:|) was I guess comic relief but at the same time I thought she was pretty useless in battle.
I disagree with the Steiner part.
That magic attack combo that he uses with Vivi basically got him to dealing about 9999 damage way wayyyyyyyyyy before any of my other PCs did.

Exactly. With Vivi. Vivi must be in the party as well as Steiner, and he must be able to cast spells. Steiner is the only character who directly relies on another character to enable him to perform certain techniques. The payoff for this is that he has 13 more support abilities than he would if his Sword Magic techniques were regular action abilities learnt the normal way.

Even so, once you're doing 9999 damage one strong ability is as another. His sword magic ability adds little versitality and other characters are better at dealing damage while being part of a team and providing good recovery and support abilities.

He's a heavy hitter and a good tank, which makes him a good character to use in battle, but that's all he is, so he's the worst.

As for Quina: some useful Blue Magic abilities:
Lv5 Death (mainly for killing Grand Dragons)
Bad Breath (only 40% success, but really messes up the enemy if it works)
Limit Glove (works brilliantly with Phoenix Down or Auto Life)
1000 Needles (cheap, consistent damage - not so useful later on, but nice to have)
Pumpkin Head (Quina's version of Minus Strike)
Night (100% success rate, and insomniac takes care of the fact it's cast on your party members as well)
Angel's Snack
Frog Drop
White Wind
Magic Hammer
Auto Life
i think it would have to be eiko, i've never used her and never needed her, she died to many times when i was with her.
Beatrix/Marcus/Cinna/Blank are original characters so how can people vote for them when they are like the guest on FFXII (worst game ever check out thread). Worst character Amarant, didn't worry about leveling him up cause he sucked.
I still agree that Eiko is usless.
Garnet's white magic and summons outshine hers by a long shot.

And Quina, though annoying...has better moves than Eiko.
Garnet's white magic outshine's Eikos? Let's see...

White magic spells Garnet has but Eiko doesn't.


White magic spells Eiko has but Garnet doesn't.

Full Life

I know which set I'd rather have.

Garnet has more powerful summons, but I usually find that Fenrir and Madeen are enough, especially when Vivi's in the party. As I've implied before, if Vivi is absent, Garnet is probably the better choice.
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Quina by far. uhhhh the only plus i had to Quina was i got to name him/her one of my friends name just to piss him off

other than that i thought the other characters all had potential
He's a heavy hitter and a good tank, which makes him a good character to use in battle, but that's all he is, so he's the worst.

That's true (I'm sorry to say...):|

Even though he was in my main party for the most part ----

Quina wasn't!
And even though the facts you pointed out are true I just found Steiner a bit more reliable than Quina. (but that's just me, no offense if you really like Quina...)
so I still think s/he's the worst.
Good point though but it's hard to convince me otherwise.;)
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quina because all it does is eat food think food imagine food and dream food foodfoodfood that is a quick summary of quina
I'm not gonna vote for any, because they were all good, if you bothered teaching them all their techniques, they all have some pretty nifty abilities goin on, Quina was the comedy relief character, Amarent was the "no nonsense" character like Vincent Valentine, I could go on.

My personal favourite was Freya, she had most of the much needed abilities, like regen, she could raise you from the dead and she could heal too, not to mention pack some mean damage, she also had "jump", which was always a great technique to have in the FF series, and that ability can be boosted to pack more damaged, she's untouchable to the enemy with this, and is more likely to be the one to revive the party.

Quina can be effective too, if you learn his/her Blue Magic skills, if you don't bother using these characters each time ya play the game then you'll never know how truly great they are.
Lassic said:
I think you have to vote for Quina...

First off, what the hell is it?
Second, what the hell gender is it?
Third, what the hell is it doing in your party?

Let's see...

1. It eats obivously it must be french. XD
2. Umm...why do you want to know what gender it is? o_O
3. Obivously Zidane needed someone to keep an eye out for annoying people to bug him when he's trying to 'get it on' with Dagger. :P

I voted for Quina. Cinna may be pretty worthless in those few battles...but Quina's Blue Magic skills (especially Matra Magic) hardly EVER do what they're suppose to. >.<
I Voted for Eiko she was the character i never used in battle,Garnet just Overruled her in every way,her summons weer better,her magic was better,and generally her character as better.

though it this is a vote for story wise id vote for Quina,Eiko did get some background later in FFIX which was intersting
How are Scan, Blind, Confuse and Berserk better than Regen, Full Life, Dispel, Esuna, Might, Jewel, Holy and Haste?
my party most commonly is


i hardly experiment with anyone else because these characters are indominatable
I would have to say Quina...he was...just there. lol.

And you actually CAN play as Beatrix if you have action replay...that what I've heard at least. I wish she was added at the end though.

I don't think Amarant is completely useless. He's pretty good in battle.

My very first finishing party was:

Then it was and always will be