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  1. G

    Is this the last Final Fantasy?

    i think that after XIII they will re-release 7,8, and 9. square enix will go down if they stop FF. i know for one if they stop FF and the last game isn't a gift from the gods i will be mad enough not to buy any other Enix titles
  2. G

    Who do you use in your party?

    on my current game i just got to the snow town thingy. i use cloud,barret,red whenever possible but on the first game i used tifa barret red then cid barret red
  3. G

    Claim a member/item/monster from FFVII

    GW728-Seto(nanaki's father)
  4. G

    You Know You're Obsessed with FFVII When:

    97. when you and 2 friends argue over ffvii trivia and when someone is right the hum/play on guitar the win theme 98. when your can play all of the boss battle theme on guitar 99.when you rack your brain trying to make the 100th reason 100. when you have an orgasm after completing 99 ^_^
  5. G

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    i defeated jenova to her theme music and proceeded to kill everything in a blind rage for 30 mins before i stopped caring. hey i was like 10 so i had a short attention span. but i loved the fact her theme music played while you fought jenova
  6. G

    What if the end of the world was just tomorrow?

    if all those things began happening, I would drive to pick up my closest friends and girlfriend, and if it was the army of hell/zombies whatever like that then we would fight to the end, if it was natural disasters we would let ourselves be consumed by the planet WE destroyed. I am a pure...