What if the end of the world was just tomorrow?

if all those things began happening, I would drive to pick up my closest friends and girlfriend, and if it was the army of hell/zombies whatever like that then we would fight to the end, if it was natural disasters we would let ourselves be consumed by the planet WE destroyed. I am a pure atheist i find many religions to be retarded beyond believe because of inconsistencies and the over-use of "faith" as proof. I just think if it was natural disasters going off daily then everyone deserves to die a violent horrible death. because we do deserve it. not anyone reading this right now can say you have been perfectly un-polluting and such. Anyone who claims to be is a moron and should go first in the mass destruction by the planet. I know i ventured off topic but this is what i believe
Find the person I love, stay with them, and exist as long as I can. Although this topic got way off course, the beginning did state what would you do in regards to your religion. Well, I was brought up Catholic, although I don't practice anymore, I still consider myself a Christian. If it was the end of the world tomorrow, the rapture would have already happened, and if I wasn't taken I'd be left to survive the tribulation with my loved one, and family and friends that weren't taken. Being in the military and in the USAF Security Forces I have access to a lot of weapons and ammunition, so I'd arm up heavily then travel to were I grew up, which is basically in the middle of nowhere, and survive as long as I could.

For those of you that got off course, and the many MANY atheists that use the argument of why would God destroy something he created and loved, how many times does it have to be said that God doesn't do the atrosities that take place on our earth? Satan was basically given free reign (with certain limitations) to attempt to sway the free will of humans to his purpose. He is the reason for the evil and destruction in our world, and it seems he's doing well these days... As a Christian I'm not a bible thumper by any means, live and let live I say, but I do urge you to be interested in other religions. Knowledge is power, and if you want to convince people they are wrong and you are right, you better f--king know what you're talking about on both sides. Take care.

I have no religion, and have never believed in a Higher Power. I think that the only true religion, a religion that has not killed in the name of it's 'savior' (though individuals of that religion have been slaughtered for centuries), is Buddhism. If I had to choose, I would go down that path and be entirely devout. I, however, do not have to choose, and therefore feel no obligations towards any sect of people, nor of any set of organized beliefs.

That being said, I would break every rule in my set of rules not to break*, finally get that Mohawk that I'm so afraid to get, and stop being a doormat for people. I'd train myself how to fight better, and become truly myself: a verifyable Tank Girl. People (including myself) take for granted the time allowed on this planet. I have social phobias, I hate people, I avoid society, and am internally arrogant as sin. I look sweet, innocent, kindly. I bake cookies for others, and do anything they want of me.
Most people live lies. The only truth in my life is the love I share with my fiance, but the rest of me is purely a shell created due to horrible circumstances.

I would steal what I desire, tell people what I truly think of them, and create huge paintings with the stolen 10 foot by 20 foot canvases I would ransack from the Pearl art store. I would eat anything and everything I want, instead of confining myself to a grossly unhealthy diet of soup and rice, and wear whatever I felt like. I'd do all that I've ever dreamed of doing, smoke and drink like it's no tomorrow (I am against drinking and smoking), and I'd probably blow up half the country, or atleast try to.

When the time came for the world to finally explode, I'd be with my friends and my family, and my cat. I'd shave my best friend's head (she has long hair and uses it as a security blanket), and drink tea while reality was falling apart all around me. This, I would do. It may seem outlandish, but I would be a completely different person. No. That's incorrect. I'd be truly myself.

Hmm. This list of things to do seems incredibly long. I probably won't be sleeping much if the world is about to end, eh? :)

*rules to not break:
don't harm another person
do not voice your opinion if it hurts other people
don't set things on fire
don't steal
don't yell at kids
don't kill anyone
don't do anything illegal
don't eat all the cookies
I would commit many haness acts of murder, desacration, bondage, and unmentioned acts of sexual harassment.
*rules to not break:
don't harm another person
do not voice your opinion if it hurts other people
don't set things on fire
don't steal
don't yell at kids
don't kill anyone
don't do anything illegal
don't eat all the cookies

So are you going to break all those rules in the end? Also, your second rule reminds me of a rule that Satanism enforce or specifically, Anton LaVey's Satanism.
tll happen and well............. it really depends. i hate ths world anyway with all its hardships
if it was tomorrow!??!?! I would do it with every guy I know =p JOKES!.

and probably sleep so i wont feel anything
If the world ended tomorrow, I would do as much as possible to maximise the happiness of as many lives as I can ... that's as much as any of us can do. ^_^
In every religion or most of them, the is a time of great turmoil, devastation and ruin that takes place before a new beginning occurs. What if the end of the world was just tomorrow or just right around the corner? Would you care? What would you do and where will you be?

What if another world war engulf this world? What if Heaven opens up with angels descending. What if Hades and Hell burst open with demons and the dead walking the face of the earth? What if the dead start raising which can't be killed with shotguns. What if the natural disasters occured on large scales as never seen before such as 10+ mag. earthquakes in various parts of the earth every other day, cat. 5+ hurricanes every two weeks, volcanoes erupting everyday, raise in ocean levels, severe shortages in food and water and death and disease rampant? What if all these things took place at the same time?

What would you do? How would you react base on your religious beliefs and unbeliefs? Depending on your threshold, what will become of you? Would you go insane? Would you stay sane?

i would go insane about the angel descending, the dead arising in the meaning that my greatest fascination would actually exist... magic...
as for the natural disasters, i think we've been gone through some darn dangerous disasters, with vulcano's litterally exploding at the power of a nuclear bomb, meteors falling down on earth at the size of footballfields
so i wouldn't really be surprised about the disasters

however, myself i have no religion since - no offence - i think it's bullshit, i'm the type that says i wanna see it with my own eyes before actually believing it
this feeling actually got stronger with the "anti christ" at 666 nothing hasn't really happened, the dude would start a war between god and satan, perhaps the war between Iraq andthe USA? that was way too early to be a valid thing, and not on a big enough scale since this war would destroy the earth... at least that's how i understand it...

on the thing with the world ending in general, i would just let it come to me and not care about it too much, since it inevitable...
I'd walk.

I'd journey as far as I could before the time came. Witness as much of the world that I've lived in for aslong and as far as I could.