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  1. S

    What's your highest chain?

    It only goes to 999. After that you have to keep count yourself.
  2. S


    Ohhhhhhhh.... I'm not sure if that works, but when that happens to a character is that they attack a bunch of times( way more than omnislash) doing 7777 damage per hit. Yeah. *jizzes at thought of lucky 7's*
  3. S


    I'm not sure:huh: I understand.......
  4. S


    Hmmm.....This is coming from a guy who posts on Final Fantasy Forums. My favorite Materia combo is one that gives me 7778 Hp, the I attack with a frog and get all lucky sevens...
  5. S


    First off, how does it work? Secondly, whats your favorite combination of materia?
  6. S

    What's your highest chain?

    I got a 999 chain with skull defenders in the Lhusu mines.Pwnage.