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  1. Cloud12

    Cloud12 Photoshop Sig First Attempt

    ok thx guys for the cunstroctive crisisim very much appreciated
  2. Cloud12

    AOTW 13 Voting Thread

    my vote for 1 it is by far better and cleaner
  3. Cloud12

    Cloud12 Photoshop Sig First Attempt

    hey every one this is my very first photoshop CS4 sig i hope you dont critisize to much i know it rly sucks but i tryed hard any tips advice is more then welcome
  4. Cloud12


    hey thx so much love em =D
  5. Cloud12


    oh like i said im new im sorry i shall no from now on thank you :D
  6. Cloud12


    hey im new and i dont know were to put this but i was just wonderen if someone could make me a sig of Zach Fair and a Quote from him please i dont care witch pic u use thank you :zack:
  7. Cloud12

    Crisis Core Genesis Or Sephiroth?

    i perfer Septh as i have known him and the cool way he was from FF7 and AC before i even played CC and found out he was actully " Good" for a period of time and just look at his hair you cant say no to that <3
  8. Cloud12

    Crisis Core Zack's Sword

    im sorry if this has been posted before if it has feel free to remove ok so witch do you like better his Classic SOILDER Second Class Sword Or Angeals Buster Sword He gets after you and why? I myself like the Buster Sword as since he Ranks up he deserves somethin a little more heavey...
  9. Cloud12

    Crisis Core Zack's Hair

    i like it the older one cuz i think it shows he has grown from the kid who always wants to do something his way to the man who dosnt need anyhelp