Crisis Core Zack's Hair

I actually didn't notice his hair change while I was playing the game, but yeah I guess I prefer his older hair. Although there is nothing wrong with his second hair style.
I'd definitely have to say that I liked his hair after the first half. It's a more mature viewpoint of him, it's a part of who he really is, and it's the style we all know. Stick to the classics.

I completely agree with this. The short hair symbolized his wild, care-free attitude, and after
Angeal dies
, he becomes more responsible and mature. Besides, Zack had that long style in VII, it would've been wrong to change that in Crisis Core.
Yeah, I liked his hair at the start of the game also. As he progressed his persona changed and I guess the hair had to aswell.
I actually liked his hair in the beginning, it was ok when he changed but I think it looked better the way he had it before he changed it.

But after becoming all mature like I guess it was best to change it, though I shall miss the way it was before.
I enjoyed both. It seems that a lot of people enjoyed his first hair style as it made him look under, and that was exactly the point. The longer hair was to try and help the player visually understand that some time had passed, and that he had matured.
i like it the older one
cuz i think it shows he has grown from the kid who always wants to do something his way
to the man who dosnt need anyhelp
I prefer the older hair style. New hair style doesn't suit him. His face is like erm...more like a youngster. But with the new hair style he have there, it makes him looks like an uncle with age like 30 something?
I prefer the older hair style. New hair style doesn't suit him. His face is like erm...more like a youngster. But with the new hair style he have there, it makes him looks like an uncle with age like 30 something?

I doubt it's meant to make him look that old, but the longer hair style is meant to show that he is older, as well as to show that quite some time had passed. If you thought he looked older, they succeeded. But I don't personally think he looked like an uncle or thirty years old...
neither do i. i think hes maybe 25. I liked the longer hair though, it took me a few seconds to realize that his hair had changed, but once i realized it, i enjoyed the new, "mature" zack
Dudes..I was just joking by then...the point i wanna tell is it makes him looks older...I really prefer his original hair..
Haha, I must've been asleep when I played Crisis Core cuz I didn't notice him changing his hair style at all. But after checking some images I think the latter is better.
I prefer Zack's haircut. Sure, he look cute with the first one and it made him look a bit younger.

But with the cut hair he looks more mature, not to mention drop dead gorgeous! Plus, I hear it's quite delicious to eat. ;D
Zacks new hair? It's ok

I definetley think he looked like sasuke when he had his first hair style! I seem to have got used to the second one but the first will always be my favourite
(Sorry if a thread has already been made, feel free to remove if need be)

Anyway when Zack changed his hairstyle I was like noooooo I preferred his hair as it was at the beginning of the game as I think he looked cool. But that might just be me.

What hairstyle did you like best on Zack and why?

I liked the initial hair cut. The other one had to grow on me. But I do remember seeing a DMV video that shows that when Aerith saw it, she did the equivalent of point and snicker. Apparently she thought that it was dumb too.
Yeah, Aeris pretty much snickers at his hair. In fact, Aeris seems amused by alot of things he does :lol:

I personally agree that the new hairstyle does look a little mulletish AND the little strand poking out is a bit bothersom but... his younger hairstyle STRONGLY reminds me of Sasuke from Naruto, which I find really distracting.



Personally I like the Ergheiz-Sonic the Hedgehog look the best:

otherwise, I'm about as concerned with Zack's hair change as I was with Garnet's in FFIX. Aesthetically they're pretty similar, the change was more of a plotpoint.
I really like Zack's hair it has a really cool cut to it but his eyes are much cooler. I think Aerith liked his eyes better though.
I just wanted to stress the point I didn't make clear in my last post:

To me, the most well-crafted, memorable character designs can be easily distinguished from a simple profile silhouette. That said, if you campare young Zack's silhouette to Sasuke's from Naruto, they'd be pretty much indistinguishable. His later haircut is basically the more realistic version of his original FF7. While his more mature style is more applicable to the definitive "Zack" look, the Nomura art (Sonic the Hedgehog hair) emphasizes the dynamics of his design.

My apathy to the hair change basically stems from the fact that the realistic renders of FF games take alot of the exaggerate features I find pleasing in terms of character looks. In general I prefer cartoonish, exaggerated characters to hyper-realistic ones.