Crisis Core Zack's Hair

I just think that Zack looked way cooler before growing his hair long but maybe this 'new' look is meant to make him look more mature, or maybe he wanted to show off the scar he got? That's another thought, :confused:
Personally, I liked his hair after he changed it. It makes him look older. I guess. Ha ha, hard to say. But yeah, I prefer it after he changed it. He looked cute and boyish before the new do, but now? He looks like a lean, mean fighting machine. Rawr. ;)
His hair was exactly the same as clouds in FF7

Nah it wasn't, Clouds has always been the same through the FFVII compilation, I admit it is similar to Zack's hair but not exactly the same.

Yeah I gotta admit that his new do makes him look tougher but his old style suits him better in my opinion because it makes him look soooo cute!
I liked his initial hair style better. He looked better to me with the bangs coming down but I suppose the change in hair means the change in his self, this new hair style made him look a bit..more mature of you say so that way.
when i first saw Zack's hair in the beginning I thought it was off from the original and I also thought it was permanent thanks to Last Order (He has that hair when he's saving Cloud). I didn't think it was a big deal at first for one I thought it looked alright, and two they changed Clouds hair for AC so he wasn't the first. But then my view changed when I saw AC again and realized that Zack's hair in the movie is a long SSJ3 style, which confused me and sort of made me irritable because i hate when content changes for no reason. (For example Harry Potter's eyes being blue in the movies and green in the books) The reason I wasn't upset before is because apparently Cloud's hair was changed because it would look goofy in the more modern technology and i thought they figured the same for zack. However Zacks hair was proven to be just fine in AC, therefore giving it no reason to change it in CC. but then my anger subsided when his hair changed when he became 1st class..
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I liked his hair at the start it was just cool to me (points at *to me*) although when his hair changed he kinda matured but I didn't like his hair style.
I preferred the hair he had at the start. It did look better in my honest opinion. I cringed when he changed his hair -_- his picture on the menu sorta reminded me of Edward Scissor Hands, with the scar and that hair.
I agree with just about everyone else his hair is much better at start. Maybe he changes his hair to suit the changes going on around him.
I'd definitely have to say that I liked his hair after the first half. It's a more mature viewpoint of him, it's a part of who he really is, and it's the style we all know. Stick to the classics.
Nobody likes Zack's new hair? ;___; Well, I do~
The spikeyness on the back of his hair looks awesome! And I agree with the people that thinks it's more mature-looking, it looks cool too! =)
I'd definitely have to say that I liked his hair after the first half. It's a more mature viewpoint of him, it's a part of who he really is, and it's the style we all know. Stick to the classics.

The thing is though that it is not who he is, he changes his style because of Angeal its not really who he is, he wants to be a hero like Angeal as he is Zacks Idol so it really isn't who he is.
Wasn't his hair in the second half created before his hair in the first half? I can't say for FF7(because of the graphics), but it seemed as though his hair in the second half was strongly similar to his hair in AC. Well, to me anyway, if you say Zack Fair, I'd imagine his second hair style.
I dunno when he has the second version of his hair I'm put off it slightly because he seems to be incredibly pale with it. Due to that opinion I find myself happier with the first version of his hair
well, his hair on the first part of crisis core was cooler... but his hair on the second part was simply just badass
Wasn't his hair in the second half created before his hair in the first half? I can't say for FF7(because of the graphics), but it seemed as though his hair in the second half was strongly similar to his hair in AC. Well, to me anyway, if you say Zack Fair, I'd imagine his second hair style.

thats because cloud knew zack after he changed his hair more than the flashbacks in AC showed Zack in the new do...however the game is a prequal so u wouldnt know about zack that much ;)
His hair at the begining of the games make him look younger n COller. I didn't Mind when he chnage it thou. hey Zack is Zack