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  1. Demaikeru

    Dark Aeons

    Dark Anima for me. Nearly reduced me to tears when I almost had him dead and he wiped my party out. Didn't touch him for months after that.
  2. Demaikeru

    Would you like to see another spinoff to this game?

    That's a fair point, playing through the game with Jecht Auron and Braska would be good, except if you've played FFX all the way through, we learn about the fate of the 3 characters, so it would be a bit pointless, since we'd already know what happens in the end. Knowing what happened at the...
  3. Demaikeru

    I have read the guidebook and know some of the story, should i still play?

    Of course you should! It's not about reading the game's plot, it's about fully experiencing the game by playing it. I can guarantee that it will swallow you in, and you'll not want to stop playing it.
  4. Demaikeru

    Have you cried playing this Game?

    I shed a tear at the ending, but the main cutscene which got me was the one where Tidus finds out that Yuna will die if she summons the Final Aeon, and how no one told him she would die. The music really fiddles with your emotions in that scene, it was really good.
  5. Demaikeru

    Would you like to see another spinoff to this game?

    Final Fantasy X-3 sounds to drab for me. They covered pretty much the whole story in X, tied the rest of the knots in X-2, but what kind of objective would serve in the FFX-3 world? To me, it would be a desperate release, and the minds and ideas of Square-Enix would certainly have to be fruitful...
  6. Demaikeru

    Outfit Change!?!?

    I certainly wouldn't mind costume changes. Although the main focus on FF games isn't really the costumes, it's hardly difficult to make the characters so they're wearing a variation of clothing, you have to think of the development changes that would have to been made in cutscenes, and this...
  7. Demaikeru

    Introducing myself.

    Was lead here via a friend (Y u n m i i <3, shout out here I suppose =D) to the Final Fantasy XIII demo review, but I needed to be a member of the forum, and since I've yet to come across a decent Final Fantasy forum, I thought i'd give this one a try. So hi everyone :)