Dark Aeons

Hardest Dark Aeon

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Fortune Favours The Bold? Yeah Right, Lucky Me
Jul 26, 2008
The Hideout - Lindblum Theatre District
What was the worst dark aeon for you to find a defeat. for me it would have to shiva, as i havent got that far through the aeons at the moment, shiva keeps wiping me out with her diamond dust overdrive
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Eh Im sure there was a thread on this already.....ah well...:gasp:

Bahamut, without a DOUBT. Bitch took me MONTHS. Then I did Anima after and thought theres no WAY Im doing this without humiliation...long fight was long but I beat her first time...go figure

But Bahamut though. Omg.....what a nob. I had to do it with 2 characters because I ony have ribbons for Yuna & Wakka, Auron would just get petrified and shattered. It was awful....My poor blood pressure was through the ROOF. The music didnt help calm the old nerves either

Ive not done Dark magus Sisters 'legitametly' yet, I zanmato'd them so I could have a look at Penance, but turns out I missed one of the Dark Yojimbo fights...-grumbles-

Sooo Dark BAhamut all the way

Also, Il add a poll if it lets me <_<
i used a cheat save with all the aeons defeated, except penance went up against him and got my arse handed to me, it has something like*checks google* 7.000.000hp for the body and 600.000 hp for the arms, there is a video on you tube that last 50 or so minutes so it must be seriously hard.
Magus Sisters for me, bitches annoyed the hell out've me. Read somewhere that if you run around you can split them up and then fight one at a time, tried it and it's never worked. Hmph.

I found Anima quite easy compared to a couple others strangely enough.
guys could you be really nice and tell me what i have to do to get the dark aeons? i havent a clue how to get them
guys could you be really nice and tell me what i have to do to get the dark aeons? i havent a clue how to get them

If you're in America then you won't have the dark aeons. Us PAL users got it...and whoever else, but the Americans did naught so you either dont have the version with them in it or not far enough into the game yet or you just haven't run into them yet. and you WILL run into them.....like i did with dark Valefor, didn't see that one coming.... :gasp:

If you are not prepared you WILL get done over :wacky:
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But if i get a uk version of the game it will have the dark aeons and im also aware that i will need a uk ps2 aswell unless the game will work on my north amercain ps3

and thats too bad my us version is ready for them...the sphere grid is as full as i can get it with all my characters
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Ugh...I'm nowhere near ready to defeat any of them...they are too quick for me at the moment, and they are damaging me straight away got 99 999 damage

*is embarrassed*

However, I am trying my best to get my defense right up so that I can at least attempt to beat them- I need to get into Besaid for starters...
I'm stuck on Yojimbo. =P I defeated all the dark aeon's using yojimbo, haha. But I cannot defeat Dark Yojimbo with Yojimbo! >__<

I'm also stuck facing Yojimbo on X-2. I've been so close. :\

Dark Yojimbo is a bastard!!!!!

I don't have trouble with the others just him

Lol, Dark Anima is the only one I have never beaten so I guess she wins by default. I have come pretty close before, not like it matters as even with auto potion/pheonix armour and auto life I eventually end up getting pwned. The Magus Sisters were also challenging, but at least one of them is weak and goes down quickly.

Bahamut, without a DOUBT. Bitch took me MONTHS. Then I did Anima after and thought theres no WAY Im doing this without humiliation...long fight was long but I beat her first time...go figure
F-first time?! Wah! But I didn't find Bahamut hard at all....
Bahamut was awful, how you can get through that and not survive Anima is beyond me, compared she was a walk in the park. I kept Yuna on healing & overdrive blocking and Wakka on attack reels, took a while coz of all her HP but other than that, I had no problems. Bahmamut just impulsed my arse constantly, it was awful D:
For me dark yojimbo was the worst, fighting a dark aoen once is bad, having to fight the bastard multiple times is worst, him having the ability to one shot the party oh all those without break hp limit is worse. Yojimbo took me forever to beat he is evil.
People think Anima was the hardest? :O I agree with Rikku, compared to Dark Bahamut, she was just a feather blocking my path.

Bahamut was EVIL!
Dark Magus Sisters were hard to kill. They took out all of my aeons except for Valefor. I got in overdrive and used an energy blast to take them out all the way. That fight took about 25 min.
well i had trouble with all of them except valefor..i must be a bad playing at FFX everyone says that the only trouble they had was with yojimbo. hahaha
hardest i thought was the sisters, 3 vs 3... took me ages to finally kill them all without dying,but now they are all gone and iv finished the game i dnt reallly see the point in playin the game
well i had trouble with all of them except valefor..i must be a bad playing at FFX everyone says that the only trouble they had was with yojimbo. hahaha
hardest i thought was the sisters, 3 vs 3... took me ages to finally kill them all without dying,but now they are all gone and iv finished the game i dnt reallly see the point in playin the game

Have you beaten Penance? He'll appear as a location on the airship after you've gotten rid of all the Dark Aeons. Bit of a tough guy aswell.
Have you beaten Penance? He'll appear as a location on the airship after you've gotten rid of all the Dark Aeons. Bit of a tough guy aswell.

yeah i have... but i still think the dark aeons were tough... yeah penance was tough but not as tough