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  1. B

    Hardest Boss

    I remember the first time I played through FF7 was when I was about 10 years old and every boss seemed hard to me lol. The hardest boss by far though I remember was that Demons Gate in Temple Of The Ancients. Man that thing used to annihilate me. Keep in mind I would have been ridiculously...
  2. B

    What FF game are you currently playing

    Currently playing through X for about the 6th time lol, trying to finish the monster arena. :argh: [Mod Edit: a bit more effort in your posts next time, please.]
  3. B

    squall's so annoying

    I agree with laguna's dream 100% The poor guy has major abandonment issues so who could blame him for not trusting anyone and wanting to keep his feelings to himself. True his negative attitude can get rather annoying at times, especially when he is talking to Rinoa, but the best thing it...