squall's so annoying


Dec 31, 2008
I like the game...but GOD i hate squalls emo/jerk-ish attitude.. I hate these anti-social/ I dont help anyone. characters... we need more adventerous/fun characters Bartz, Zack, Zidane, ect...

sure he can probably get any girl, but hes a loser!... the way he stands leaning on the wall during the dance, doesnt even talk to Zell

All this people still like him

Whatver haha...

Im just character bashing dont mind... but I love the game, great sound track by the way...
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I don't think I knew what emo was when FFVIII came out, i'd never heard the term anyway..... I just thought he was abit standoffish, and taht's about it. Never really read anything else into it, I quite liked his character, it amused when him and Zell were together especially in the D district prison and he donks him on the head with his gun

Tidus character made me appreciate Squalls character ALOT more, I think I prefer my main characters to be abit quieter and introverted. So yeah, he had his moments, but I liked him on the whole
I'm not sure if they were trying to go for Emo when they created Squall. He's just got an attitude problem. I remember thinking he was cool when I first played it, but then when I played it recently, yeah, he's a bit of jerk lol. Specially when he diddn't give a damn about Quistis at all, he never really acknowledged Quistis that much, even when she poured her heart out. he's all "....".

That guy needs his ass kicked.

wait, I was gonna try defending him with this post, but i failed.

edit: I felt bad with this post, i just want to make it clear, I only feel this way for the first disc.
OK emo blah blah blah. The guy grew up on on an orphanage, he never knew his parents the closest thing he had to family was Ellone, she was like a sister to him. However Ellone dissapeared and thus Squall was left alone. His childhood was far from perfect, all these events have left him weary of people and generally un-trusting, which you cant blame him for. This is why hes so as you quoted 'emo'
But he changes throughout the course of the game due to his encounters with Rinoa.
FFVIII could not possibly have the same story progession had Squall been a more upbeat character, his personality was key to the storyline. I liked Squall and his backstory, he was completely different from your normal hero. Hes the polar opposite of Laguna really.
Sorry to be harsh but i get annoyed by people who dont put thought into their post, and just think meh hes emo, he sucks.
OK emo blah blah blah. The guy grew up on on an orphanage, he never knew his parents the closest thing he had to family was Ellone, she was like a sister to him. However Ellone dissapeared and thus Squall was left alone. His childhood was far from perfect, all these events have left him weary of people and generally un-trusting, which you cant blame him for. This is why hes so as you quoted 'emo'
But he changes throughout the course of the game due to his encounters with Rinoa.
FFVIII could not possibly have the same story progession had Squall been a more upbeat character, his personality was key to the storyline. I liked Squall and his backstory, he was completely different from your normal hero. Hes the polar opposite of Laguna really.
Sorry to be harsh but i get annoyed by people who dont put thought into their post, and just think meh hes emo, he sucks.

I think you just put this conversation to rest. I couldn't agree more. I diddn't want to go too deep with his character back story with my post because I kind of assumed we were talking disc one, and diddn't want to spoil it just in case.

but very good post. respect points.
The first time I played the game I thought that Squall was a bit on the assholish side (esspecially when Quistis wanted someone 2 walk 2), but the more I played the game the more it became clear why he is the way he is, a mega-introvert (like me...)...
...AND the Squall that was in the begining of the game was not as nearly annoying as the "jump into outer space and risk destroying the universe cuz of 1 girl" one after he met Rinoa! She completely messed him up...
I agree with laguna's dream 100%

The poor guy has major abandonment issues so who could blame him for not trusting anyone and wanting to keep his feelings to himself.

True his negative attitude can get rather annoying at times, especially when he is talking to Rinoa, but the best thing it that he opens up in the end and learns to trust his friends.

I think he is a great main character.
I like the game...but GOD i hate squalls emo/jerk-ish attitude.. I hate these anti-social/ I dont help anyone. characters... we need more adventerous/fun characters Bartz, Zack, Zidane, ect...

sure he can probably get any girl, but hes a loser!... the way he stands leaning on the wall during the dance, doesnt even talk to Zell

All this people still like him

Whatver haha...

Im just character bashing dont mind... but I love the game, great sound track by the way...
Don't talk bad bout the lifestyle til you try it. It is alot easier to life without leaving much trace and can allow you to get a girl quick.
Zell is the one who is annoying. he is too talkative.
I quite liked Squalls personality. Before Playing FFVIII I had only played FFX and FFVI, I found Squall to be an interesting change from Tidus and Locke, Edgar ect... I liked the whole anti-hero thing he had going on, he would be too boring if he was upbeat and positive like every other FF Hero.

Squall had good reasons for being the way he is too, I won't bother explaining because it has already been explained, but it's not like he was antisocial for no reason.

Kuhn said:
Zell is the one who is annoying. he is too talkative.
Oh and for the record, Zell Pwns.
Yeah it got to be too much most of the time, Don't forget Tidus! Hes adventurous and fun.....wait, okay but he's definitely a happy camper :)

sure he can probably get any girl, but hes a loser!... the way he stands leaning on the wall during the dance, doesnt even talk to Zell

No, I wouldn't talk to him either....He was annoying too, only around seifer and when he messed junk up >.>
I think Squall's personality met the feel of the game and did set in some basic ground for the game as a whole. Overall I enjoyed his characteristics. A lot better than that annoying Tidus or Zidane. Not an emotional blabber mouth likes to keep to himself. At the time it came out and even quite a bit now he's similar to me which is why I like him so much. You can't rely on other's help is my favorite idea of his because you only get where you want in life on your own hard work and terms no one else's. And plus Quistis was annoying when she's all blah blah blah to em. He was right what is he supposed to say? Kinda hard to say anything when it comes to other people's problems.
The thing about Squall, IMO he has the best character development in the entire FF series, no one comes even that close from what I have played. Squall does almost a complete 180degree turn and it isnt with out its merit, you learn about his past, and that is why he is so cold, distant and unwilling to grow attached, and you see that change of the course of a great game. His character is one of the most plausible in the series too
I actually did not find Squall annoying he was actually better than Cloud for me in personality. I found Squall to have a cool style that won Rinoa's love in a flash.
Squall attitude is a little bit ignorance, but I sympatize him because of his background story, I'll act the same if the person in the game is me, we can see he's changing during he encountered Rinoa, only Rinoa can stand a guy like that, because she had patient.
I don't think Squall's annoying, he's definitely better than any of the other starter characters in the series. I think that the idea of a silent, cool, anti social falling in love with a bright, bubbly girl while learning to open up to others throughout the story.
haha i know what you mean i duno why square enix loves these types of characters. Like vincent from FF VII and Auron. There is always a character that keeps to themselevs and acts like they are a badass the only thing was that when Auron did it, it worked he is such a hardass.
haha i know what you mean i duno why square enix loves these types of characters. Like vincent from FF VII and Auron. There is always a character that keeps to themselevs and acts like they are a badass the only thing was that when Auron did it, it worked he is such a hardass.
I sort of agree...dont think Vincent was really one who kept to himself, although its been a long time since i've played VII and squall didnt act like he was a badass...he was just a loaner and too afraid to get close to anyone. Auron on the other hand was a badass as you pointed out
haha i know what you mean i duno why square enix loves these types of characters. Like vincent from FF VII and Auron. There is always a character that keeps to themselevs and acts like they are a badass the only thing was that when Auron did it, it worked he is such a hardass.

Probadly because theres people like this in the real world. Theres plenty who who keep themselves to themselves, this isnt anything extraordinary is it? Squall is probadly the most real character in the FF series as his attitude and personality compare so much to people in the real world.
I actually like Squall, I never thought he was a jerk at all. Except for those times when Quistis would pour her heart out too him and all he'd say was "whatever" or "...".
Other than that I didn't really care if he acted like an asshole, mainly because some of it was directed at Rinoa and she was annoying anyway.

I wouldn't describe Squall as Emo, he doesn't exactly whinge and whine about how crappy his life is, how much he hates such and such or how worthless he is etc(that would be Tidus, Vincent or Cloud). Squalls more Anti-Social.
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I never used to like Squall much, but it's strange when you play a FF game when you are a little older and you start to notice things you didn't before. I used to think Squall was a rip off of Cloud, but now I actually see it as Squall being an improvement on that character template.

Cloud had a part of his story that made you realize why he was the way he was, but when all the pieces came together I didn't see much of a difference in him at all. Squall on the other hand actually had good development, and went through a journey where you saw him change, and you saw the nature of his relationships with others change too. Too many people judge Squall on the emo thing, but he actually grew out of that phase. Or they judge him on his relationship with Rinoa....but don't project Rinoa's annoying-ness on to Squall, it's not his fault, you can't help who you fall in love with.