squall's so annoying

I think Squall is a pretty complex character with a reasonable psychological explanation for why he acts the way he does (he was pretty much abandoned when he was a kid).

That said, I didn't really like him during Disc 1 either... he was pretty much a jerk to all his future party members. Later on though I grew to like him.

The best are the interactions between Squall and Zell... Zell always get so over-excited for things a Squall always shuts him down haha.
I couldn't stand Squall, either. He acted like only his problems mattered, and that his problems outweighed any other problem out there. It was almost as if he was annoyed to help others, haha. I didn't find him complex at all, just an attention whore. He also treated people who were nice to him (Quistis) like crap when they didn't deserve it. I'm glad Seifer was there to shove him around.

I never understood his logic, either.
Rinoa = the epitome of what I hate.
I LOVE HER! <333
I couldn't stand Squall, either. He acted like only his problems mattered, and that his problems outweighed any other problem out there. It was almost as if he was annoyed to help others, haha. I didn't find him complex at all, just an attention whore. He also treated people who were nice to him (Quistis) like crap when they didn't deserve it. I'm glad Seifer was there to shove him around.

I never understood his logic, either.
Rinoa = the epitome of what I hate.
I LOVE HER! <333

Yeah but he lost everyone in his life pretty much, so why would he bother to care about other peoples problems?? Definately not an 'attention whore' he was the complete opposite, the guy just wanted to be left alone. And quite frankly he didnt treat Quistis that bad he merely didnt take her on. Thats down to the fact hes insecure and un-trusting due to the crappiness that was his childhood.
I identify with Squall, maybe that is why I think he is one of the greatest, most real , final fantasy characters ever. I think FF VIII is superior to 9, and if I had not played FF 7 with my brother growing up I might include it on the list further down as well.

So far this game is very insightful, inspiring, and worth while.
I like the game...but GOD i hate squalls emo/jerk-ish attitude.. I hate these anti-social/ I dont help anyone. characters... we need more adventerous/fun characters Bartz, Zack, Zidane, ect...

^^; I'm anti-social does that mean people hate me? :gasp: and Squall was kinda annoying at some points but he also was quite good at others, too. I like the characters to be quieter and not very talkative, such as: I don't like Tidus (talkative) but I like Auron (Can he talk? xD), see? :\
It makes him mysterious in a way. But also annoying.
I can see what Rinoa saw in him though. Real challenge that guy.
But I like him better in disc 3 onwards. You know, when he goes all soft with carrying Rinoa on his back and all.
Squall has had a rough life, and it's made him turn into a cold and emotionless young teenager. But yeah. He's annoying during the first part of the story, he's a total jerk and treats his friends and everybody around him like dirt on the floor.

He was even a jerk during the first meeting with Rinoa and pretended that he didn't know how to dance, and acted like a total clown and jerk in front of Rinoa.

Though as the story carries on. Squall becomes a much better person, he becomes a warm hearted man. Loyal leader and a supportive friend.

1st- 2nd CD Yes Squall is Very annoying ( Jerk ! )
3rd- 4th CD Squall isn't that shabby.

{ Though Seifer rules over him anyday, hehe :3 }
Squall is a wanna be emo freak. he is like look at me i want to be a freaking loner i want to put my thumb in my mouth and cry cause no one likes me. I cant stand him he is the worst character in the game
Squall is a wanna be emo freak. he is like look at me i want to be a freaking loner i want to put my thumb in my mouth and cry cause no one likes me. I cant stand him he is the worst character in the game

Why do you have to be so mean? Squall is an amazing character. I liked how the creators designed him and his personality. In the end, he wishes to be with Rinoa... So, love actually brings him back to the "I don't want to be alone anymore." thing that I've seen in both FF7 and 9. Why can't you see that? That's why I like Squall. He wishes to love Rinoa and be happy. He actually smiles in the end of the game. Of course, this is the thread where people rant about Squall... but I'm only interfearing because this is what I see in Squall... ^^;

Why do you have to be so mean? Squall is an amazing character. I liked how the creators designed him and his personality. In the end, he wishes to be with Rinoa... So, love actually brings him back to the "I don't want to be alone anymore." thing that I've seen in both FF7 and 9. Why can't you see that? That's why I like Squall. He wishes to love Rinoa and be happy. He actually smiles in the end of the game. Of course, this is the thread where people rant about Squall... but I'm only interfearing because this is what I see in Squall... ^^;


The only reason you see that is cause you imagine yourself sleeping with him... that is also one of reasons i dislike him is he is all emo till the end and then he be like love ... i think they should have killed him at the end

The only reason you see that is cause you imagine yourself sleeping with him... that is also one of reasons i dislike him is he is all emo till the end and then he be like love ... i think they should have killed him at the end

I'm gonna kick your @$$!! :eek:uttahere:

Sure, I like him, but that's just stupid!! But I would have to admit, Cloud's better than Squall, but that doesn't mean I like him any less. He's cool. Don't abuse the emo kid. :mad: I like the emo kid. Leave the emo kid alone. Pick on someone else... Like Irvine or... Someone...

Fujiwara Yoshiuji said:
Squall is a wanna be emo freak. he is like look at me i want to be a freaking loner i want to put my thumb in my mouth and cry cause no one likes me.
The thing that separates Squall from every other 17 year old Emo kid is that he actually had reasons for being the way he was.

Squall had a troubled childhood, which left him with trust issues, which caused him to be anti-social. In that sense I think Squall is one of the more realistic, believable characters in the FF series.

Emo kids on the other hand notice all their favourite bands are wearing too much mascara and think that they will be super cool if they copy them. There is a difference between depression and just being Emo for the sake of being Emo.

Kyoko-Zelch said:
But I would have to admit, Cloud's better than Squall, but that doesn't mean I like him any less.
Actually it does :neomon:
Squall is a wanna be emo freak. he is like look at me i want to be a freaking loner i want to put my thumb in my mouth and cry cause no one likes me. I cant stand him he is the worst character in the game

He's not a wanna be anything. He's scared to let people in. So much has happened to him in his relatively short life and it's left him scarred. You can't call him a wanna be emo freak because he's quiet and reserved.

I hate people who think this of him. Yeah, sure, he's not the most socialble, but I LOVE the anti-social characters. They always have a reason, unlike most of the youths today who think being an emo/goth is so hip and scene (they're the wannabes btw ;)) )

Squall is a great character. It makes a refreshing change from the happy lead males like Zidane and Tidus to have the more reserved ones of Squall and Cloud. Hate him all you want, but he's not wannabe nor a crybaby who sticks his thumb in his mouth for attention.
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The only reason you see that is cause you imagine yourself sleeping with him... that is also one of reasons i dislike him is he is all emo till the end and then he be like love ... i think they should have killed him at the end

We do NOT speak to anybody like this on the forums, no matter how annoyed you might be over Squall's character. If you EVER say anything like that to somebody again that cruel and disrespectful you will be suspended from the forums for a week. I don't tolerate anybody speaking to anybody like that. If you see this as a problem feel free to PM an admin about the situation.
From wikipedia:

Emo (pronounced /ˈiːmoʊ/) is a genre of music that originated from hardcore punk [1] and later adopted pop punk influences when it became mainstream in the United States.

So I'm not seeing how Squall fits this description.. Somebody care to explain?
Squall is a wanna be emo freak. he is like look at me i want to be a freaking loner i want to put my thumb in my mouth and cry cause no one likes me. I cant stand him he is the worst character in the game

Ugh quite frankly your post is pathetic. You say you cant stand him and hes the worst character in the game well maybe explain WHY you dont like him instead of posting non valid reasons. A wanabee emo freak?? I mean what is that? I could explain again why Squall is the way he is but id just be wasting my time, if you really wanna know read my post on page one. If you dont like Squall thats fine with me but please explain why you dont using some examples from the game itself. Thanks

I agree with the posts that say he is an introvert and silent character. That was the part that I liked in FF8. I could see why he is the way he is. It is normal for peeps to go introvert without parents and peeps who you can call friends.
And don't say he is an emo cause squall would think something like "omg whats with all the paint on his/her face"
I liked squall cause square really tried there best with making a realistic character for this game.
I really hate emos, Squall is so emo, I dont like his atitude he only has his looks to atract people. He is an awesome fighter and very strong but he is to closed I think he should talk and react to stuff. I wish he was more fun like other characters from ff series.
Squall is a wanna be emo freak. he is like look at me i want to be a freaking loner i want to put my thumb in my mouth and cry cause no one likes me. I cant stand him he is the worst character in the game

Actually. The whole Balamb College likes Squall.

[Nida -'' Don't know if you realise, that people really like you here-'']

How can be Squall be Emo, when the game was made even before the Emo stereotype was created ?

Squall doesn't act like that at all. Squall doesn't act like a child.