squall's so annoying

I like Squall. I also don't see as much of a resemblance in Squall of Cloud as everyone likes to point out. I just don't see it. Squall is much more brooding and emo then Cloud was in the games. Please don't mention Advent Children because that game out after both games and really has no relevance to Clouds character in the game, and it sucked.

I did not always like Squall, but I think that he is actually a really good character. He is someone a lot of people can relate too. Even outgoing talkative people feel like Squall at times. Maybe he could cheer up at times, but whatever I actually think he is a great character. If the game had widened the background stories and details on the supporting cast this game would have been truly epic. The thing I find annoying about Squall is that along with Rinoa he(and her) basically over shadow the entire remaining cast of the game for the entire game. That was all I didn't like about the game. Every character has about a two second intro FMV and that's all you get for them and all you really get for information. Stories pretty good, main characters are good, and the supporting characters had remarkable potential but in the end Squal could not carry the whole game and they tried to make him. I found that annoying.
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I liked Squall alot because I guess I can see a bit of myself in him. I'm quiet to the point where people just assume that I'm a complete asshole, but once you get to know me, I'm not. He also seems to not care what people think, and does it in a quiet admirable sort of way. He's not all lord and in your face about it.

I have to wonder if all the problems with Squall have to do more with FF8 than his actual character.

P.S: I don't think Squall is Emo. It's not like he stayed in his room and cut himself all day, or dressed in girl's pants, or just acted odd. He acted like a normal teenager who's quiet, so how does that make him Emo?
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Awwww I really like Squall! I didn't think of him as emo I just though he was lonely and worryed about to close. Also I love the way he is with Rinoa closer to the end. He'll do anything for her I love that because he seemed like he didn't care about anything at the start.
Yeah, I mean Squall was a bit of an outcast and just prefered to be alone but i don't really consider him 'emo' He did get on my nerves a bit at times... but sometimes it's good to change up the character's personalities and make them each different. Plus Riona was the total opposite of Squall and kindof balanced it out :monster: I still like Squall though :)
But in the storie he have the most serious personnality to be the best seeD.
You know, you raise a very good--no, an excellent point here that I honestly hadn't thought of. However, that still, unfortunately, doesn't qualify him to be the best type of protagonist. The pessimistic and miserable attitude sometimes made it very hard to support him or feel an attachment to him, which plays a huge part in really evoking emotions from the player and allowing them to feel passionate about the party's cause. I don't feel that Squall was all that bad, but I do feel some of the criticisms (particularly the non "emo" comments) are fair. Also, I found his late-game epiphany to be a bit ridiculous.

If you don't agree, then...


See how difficult that is to receive all the time? <<

Edit: Ahh, I've already posted my opinion here. Sorry, it's late. ><
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squall is alone,fear to be reject so thats why he act like this.But in the storie he have the most serious personnality to be the best seeD.He is the man that will always take the good decision and will think before acting(a good point for him)and it is due to its introvert personality cause little speaker big doing(another good point).He is rude with people when they are stupid(maybe not the best way to act)but have is 2 feet on earth and to me he is awsomely epic at some point of the game cause he looks like a real hero.For me he make me feel to be real hero compare to other ff hero.

Yeah it definitely seemed like he took his role as a SeeD more seriously, because of his serious personality. He always seemed the most strongest, toughest, not to mention coolest. :sup: He was the most dedicated to being a SeeD, and didn't want to get any personal feelings involved or become too attached to anyone (in case something happened to them). It's understandable, but at the same time no one can live that way. Usually when Squall would say something it would be logical and correct, he was pretty smart. It definitely felt like he was a true hero. Even in the end he came out of his bubble and fell in love, vowed to do anything he could to bring Rinoa back and he did really care for his comrades. I've always liked Squall, even with all the negative comments so many have given about him. He's always been one of my favourite characters. :tighthug: I think most of us people who have some shyness/quietness in us like him a lot. There aren't many characters like him in video games and so many relate to him. :awesome: