squall's so annoying

I think the antisocial Squall was better. His style was a bit lacking of certain elements but he was definitely cooler and more sophisticated. I liked his development too. When I saw him open up mire to everyone surrounding him I felt some joy that he grew out of his inward shell. Rinoa rescued him from a cold and lonely existence. Squall is cool to me no matter what.
Honestly, Squall isn't all that bad IMO. Consider his life and his childhood. He grew up in an orphanage, didn't know who his parents were. He ended up by himself after Ellone left, so naturally he would have abandonment issues and not want to trust people. He's not emo, he's just cold and standoff-ish if you ask me. I think he was afraid to open his heart to Rinoa because he didn't want somebody else to leave him. Once Rinoa went into her 'coma', I think that's when Squall realized his feelings for her and that's what changed him. Once he realized that, he also realized he has friends who care about him. He's honestly just putting on the "cold, anti-social act" to protect himself. That only makes him a flawed character, not annoying.
Aerith took the words out of my mouth. :O

To be honest, I never found Squall annoying. Ok, maybe a little at the beginning. But we do see the cracks emerge when Rinoa goes into her coma, right? We see he's not so antisocial at all.
I found Squall to be very annoying at the beginning. There were times where he made it dull to read what he said because he was in his own little world. His antisocial behavior was boring to the storyline. Next to Seifer he didn't seem cool. Afterwards, when he started to open up, he became a better and more enjoyable character.
It's a good game, and i personally like squall, his attitude i think was what made the game more interesting/unique.
Squall is not annoying only when he thinks he is. Squall is just so cool to be annoying lol. He is a lady's man. Why do so many people find him annoying? Even at school I ask my friends and they say hes annoying.
I really hate emos, Squall is so emo, I dont like his atitude he only has his looks to atract people. He is an awesome fighter and very strong but he is to closed I think he should talk and react to stuff. I wish he was more fun like other characters from ff series.

You make him sound like a silent whore because he's good looking.

I'm sorry, but he may seem 'Emo' but he's not. He's just a very conserved character who wants to keep his emotions to himself in fear of being hurt.

And I personally really like the fact that he ISN'T upbeat like the other characters. It'd make him far to much like them. The fact he's so closed makes him like just one other character; Cloud. Besides, a happy go lucky lead male really would not have fit into the dark theme of FF8 (FF8 is the darkest feeling FF for me). You need to have characters that help to set the mood. If Squall was all cheery, it would have completely ruined it.

Of course, this is my opinion and you may not agree. :monster:
It's a good game, and i personally like squall, his attitude i think was what made the game more interesting/unique.
Just a tad more effort? Expand upon the interesting/unique thing, for example. :)

I had no issues with Squall. He kept things to himself and didn't want to worry other people with his own problems - I've done that more times than I can count and the only person it's affected has been me. xD He's quite considerate in that sense, whether or not he's aware of it.
Yeah but he lost everyone in his life pretty much, so why would he bother to care about other peoples problems?? Definately not an 'attention whore' he was the complete opposite, the guy just wanted to be left alone. And quite frankly he didnt treat Quistis that bad he merely didnt take her on. Thats down to the fact hes insecure and un-trusting due to the crappiness that was his childhood.

A lot of people have had a tough life, a lot of them have had it worse than Squall's situation. I can't stand people who act like their problems are above others'. I find that to be extremely arrogant and selfish, especially towards those who are actually nice to you, and have done nothing wrong. I believe he was firm with Quistis, making it clear that he did not have a love interest in her, which I liked. I don't like people who play around with hearts or lead people on. However, it was really uncalled for for him to say things such as "Then go talk to a wall". Watching that whole scene, I was thinking that I would not be able to deal with that, lol. Being rejected as even a friend in such a brutal way is really not a fantastic feeling- especially when all she ever did the entire game- even after Rinoa came, even after Squall continued to be a douche, was care.
Tell me how the "boohoo, my life sucks" guy gets an excuse, just because he had a rough childhood?
Well, I'm not exactly a Squall fan. It's not the brooding, self-loathing nature, the fact that he's a complete loner, or even the fact that despite all that he barely has a temper. What really irks me is what I once called his "almost bi-polar character development".

"I don't give a shit about anything or anyone" *Five ?seconds Later...* "ZOMG, WTF R U DOING WITH RINOA, SHE'S MINE"

Which I guess I shouldn't hold against him entirely... it was really was just bad writing on Square's part. He did eventually even out and normalize to an extent, but I couldn't ever get over the sudden change. Sudden isn't the right word, but it's the word that comes to mind.
I agree with a SeeD from the Balamb dinning room that said something about Squall along this line: "Look at this wimp! He used to be cool, but now he's running aroud one girl!"
That opened my eyes! Squall is just too lovesick to be cool...
His only weakness is Rinoa and that was proven time and time again! E.G. If Squall just left Rinoa suffocate in space Ultimecia wouldn't have any1 to host her powers and the world would be safe...
I prefered the 1st Squall, the one that reminded me of Dante from Devil May Cry, that didn't give a damn for any1 but himself!
Characters I hate: #1) Rinoa, #2) Selphie, #3) Squall (after he met Rinoa)
"i don't like squall, he is so emo. he only uses his looks to attract people then reject them. he mistreats people who are nice to him. he acts cool. he doesn't help others with their problem. he only thinks of himself" blah blah blah... 99% of people who says this are guys... and for one reason... like me, they are INSECURE of squall... LOL XD
He is one of my most favorite characters (and most favorite male character) so I don't think he is annoying. I actually like his personality as I can fully understand it myself, since I am too quite anti-social.

As well as the whole thing that he can't stop thinking is exactly like me, as I always try to stop thinking and just go sleep. But I never can and it takes me at least 2 hours to fall asleep. Which is annoying.
What's with the emo part? Squall isn't emo. Anti-social, yeah, but the guy is far from emo. He....can be a tad annoying sometimes, but every character has that kind of quality. I don't get why people tend to hate on Squall so much. He's a good guy, but he's not used to interacting with people. It's just how he is.
when a person is insecure of someone, they almost always criticize that person... we are humans after all...
"i don't like squall, he is so emo. he only uses his looks to attract people then reject them. he mistreats people who are nice to him. he acts cool. he doesn't help others with their problem. he only thinks of himself" blah blah blah... 99% of people who says this are guys... and for one reason... like me, they are INSECURE of squall... LOL XD

I'm sorry but where do you pull the "he's so emo" from? Squall doesn't sit around and whine about how horrible his life is, he doesn't try to kill himself, he doesn't cry. He keeps to himself. People are always telling him that they want to know how he's feeling, but Squall prefers to keep that side of himself hidden. He does this because he doesn't want that side of himself to show and risk being judged by others. Do you even know what the word "emo" means? It means emotional, and I'm sorry but Squall is hardly emotional. <.< He doesn't help others with their problems? What the hell was Squall doing throughout the whole game? What was the whole leadership thing about? If Squall didn't help others then he sure as hell wouldn't have fought as hard as he did to protect Garden. If you're meaning him helping emotionally, it's not that he didn't want to help it's that he didn't know how. He spent so much of his life being a loner and missing out on a lot of good things, he wasn't sure how to comfort somebody or didn't really know what to say to make them feel better.

when a person is insecure of someone, they almost always criticize that person... we are humans after all...
No, that's not always true. When I feel insecure around somebody, I tend to clam up or hide in my shell. I don't criticize them. Squall didn't really criticize anyone either. He just kept to himself.
No, that's not always true. When I feel insecure around somebody, I tend to clam up or hide in my shell. I don't criticize them. Squall didn't really criticize anyone either. He just kept to himself.

that's why i said "ALMOST always"... because it does not happen ALL THE TIME... neh? :P
Your point still has no relevance. I don't recall Squall going around and criticizing people just because he felt insecure. He kept all of his thoughts to himself.
Squall is probably the protagonist with the best character development going for him. He starts off insecure and cold as he doesn't want to burden anyone or lose them, but he doesn't want to open up. By the end of Disc 3, he seems to me to be a completely new guy.

It's what makes this game good that the main character undergoes a true character development.

If anyone thinks Squall is Emo, they are sorely mistaken. He's far from it. He doesn't open up because he doesn't want to burden others. Rinoa in particular and the others all push him to becoming that new Squall by the end.

I really feel for the younger Squall, who lost his Sister figure when younger, and tried but couldn't follow on himself. He then finally gets someone he can love and be close to in Rinoa, and a great bunch of friends.

My £0.02 on the matter.
Your point still has no relevance. I don't recall Squall going around and criticizing people just because he felt insecure. He kept all of his thoughts to himself.

you THINK it's not relevant because you didn't get it at all... to make it simple, what i meant is that most people (i'm referring to real persons) who criticize others (real life person or game characters, case to case basis) are either insecure or just love looking down on others.. =.=