squall's so annoying

I didn't really mind Squall at all, to be honest.

There are really more more worse / annoying characters in the RPG gaming world like Luke Fon Fabre from Tales of the Abyss. i.e; while you have to appreciate his character's realism for about 20hours of gameplay, the ENTIRE TIME you put up with it you WILL waant to mash his face in with a bat full of nails, despite how humurous some moments were probably intended to be.

If anyone thinks Squall is Emo

ever been to an online gaming board? It sometimes goes the same way here, but a lot less retarded :neomon:

on the main warcraft message board I visit, if you disagree with something someone says, because they want to sound cool but really just look like a dumbass, they will call you a troll.

Terminology is probably something you shouldnt take to heart on a message board. Being insightful enough to analyze someone's post and make sense of it without paying mind to this OH HEY I KNOW SMART WORDS THAT YOU DONT PWND! crap usually works out for me.
Personally I was getting tired of cartoony, joke around , fun loving , predictable characters willing to do anything and go to any lengths to make everyone happy type of person.

I don't see him as emo, he's not running around every scene crying to everyone and complaining, sure he doesn't give a f**k , and that's what I like. He's just a reluctant boy sent out to be the hero against his intuitions. What I didn't like about VIII was the fact that they milked the whole Rinoa/Squall relationship right down to the last scene. I would have loved for them to resolve this at about halfway or 3/4's through the game and then the story could have focused on other events clearing them up. Overall I prefer squall's "I don't give a f**k" attitude over some cartoony, happy "let's please everyone in the story" comic relief that we see IN SO MANY OTHER GAMES. Before there was Squall and Cloud I don't remember many gloomy leads.
I'm sorry but where do you pull the "he's so emo" from? Squall doesn't sit around and whine about how horrible his life is, he doesn't try to kill himself, he doesn't cry.
People also forget that his mother died at childbirth and his father never came back so he didn't even have a proper parental upbringing for Christ's sake which would have an affect on his whole life, he'd be more subdued as a child because of his lack of upbringing which means he'd be less willing to communicate with others, in all honesty I think because that's the way of living he's always known he just wants space, it doesn't mean he's depressed, he just lacks the people skills because it's what we learn when we're young. If all these "Squall's emo!!!" people realise infancy is one of the most important stages in life they'd shut up >.>
I love Squall! He's my fave male in the FF series thus far! Leave him alone! :mark:

That aside, I didn't find him annoying in the least. A lot of people call him cold, a jerk, mean, and so on for his lack of understanding other characters, but why should he care in the first place? And understand his situation. He's FORCED to be a leader when all he really wanted to be was be out of the spotlight and just do his duty. I just sympathize with him with having to put up with Rinoa and other character judgments -_-

The only thing I really hated was his character 180 change he had as a result of the romance with Rinoa. I often say this, but I really hated how their romance was handled in the game, especially when Squall's characters changed with such gaping leaps and no real transition between his stand-off-ish self and the love sick puppy he became >_>
People also forget that his mother died at childbirth and his father never came back so he didn't even have a proper parental upbringing for Christ's sake which would have an affect on his whole life, he'd be more subdued as a child because of his lack of upbringing which means he'd be less willing to communicate with others, in all honesty I think because that's the way of living he's always known he just wants space, it doesn't mean he's depressed, he just lacks the people skills because it's what we learn when we're young. If all these "Squall's emo!!!" people realise infancy is one of the most important stages in life they'd shut up >.>

LOL, no doubt, and don't forget the only person he felt comfortable with was sent away to a different Garden Ellone. And his earliest friends were all sent away to different parts of the world too. He had a pretty damn rough start if I must say. War, Orphan, Outcast pretty much since he came out of infancy. I'm suprised he's not the bad guy by now lol. Squall IS the motherf****ing man.
ive always liked squall, and i really liked his stand-off-ish type attitude, some of the frist scenes with him and zell were really funny. like when there on the seed test in dollet some of those scenes were amusing!
i do however agree with Fusionist, where, his romance with rinoa did sort of take a huge leap (maybe im just an ol' fashioned gal at heart).
though if i had to choose my favourite character it would have to be irvine, hes much more smooth and i would probably fall for his charms ;) hehe!

WHAT was squall thinking though. giving Quistis the cold shoulder she was hott imo :P
I love Squall, he is one of my all time favourite characters. As Bambi pointed out, when FF8 was released 10 years ago, I had never heard of the word emo. To me Squall just seemed like a grumpy teen who had suffered a hard start in life. He has everyright to feel the way he does; mother dies in childbirth, has no idea who his father is and has the closest person taken from him whom he adored. Thats likely to piss anyone off and shut them away from the world.

He doesnt go on about suicide or cutting himself as someone has mentioned, hes just a complicated, depressed teenager who finds it ahrd to let people in cause hes scared of losing them. Thats not emo at all.
I love Squall too, he's one of my favourite characters :hug:

I agree, he's not 'emo'. Just because someone is distant and unexpressive doesn't automatically make them emo. I hate these labels people like to give to everyone. I never heard of the word emo when I got the game 10 years ago either, I don't think it even existed back then. Like Rinoa said (the member here not the character, lol), does he go around complaining about how his life is to everyone and cutting himself? :jtc:

Though he was very annoying at times, I still liked him as a character and think he's great. As I said in another post, I prefer the quiet/reserved/cool leading characters.

He had a really tough time growing up. As others have said - his mother dies in childbirth, his father wasn't around, he gets sent to an orphanage and the only person who he ever felt close to leaves him too.

Imagine growing up without a family, not knowing about them, who they are, whether you were unwanted, etc? Then having the one person your most closest to leave you suddenly too? Waiting for them for so long hoping they'd return? Always feeling alone and unwanted/unliked?

That would mess anyone up! He's not exactly going to have the best people skills in the world is he? He didn't want to rely on anyone because of how he was always let down in the past. He didn't want to get too emotionally involved with anyone in fear of losing them too. His reasons for being the way he is are justified. He doesn't cry about it or try to commit suicide.

As Fusionist said. He was forced to be a leader, he had all this pressure put onto him as he was the best SeeD. He was pressured into being a good leader and acting a certain way. Which wasn't really fair on him. Seifer kept picking on him too!

He has the best character development in the game. Rinoa brought him out of his shell. He let go of his inhibitions of getting close to anyone and fell for her. We actually see him as a changed person towards the end, he was happy.

This is quite a good article I found on him, though it doesn't talk about his past:

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Guys, guys, quit throwing the word "emo" around, the term didn't even exist when FFVIII came out. >_<

Squall's attitude is backed up by his past. He's hardly a jackass, just really, really bad at social situations, and typically ends up looking like an ass, when in reality it's just really awkward for him.

He wants to be left alone, simple as that. In the end, everything is basically handed to him on a silver platter. Hell, forced, more like. Everything good that happens to him in the game is delivered in a manner like "Here, take this" "I don't wanna... why don't you persuade me more until I finally cave in? In the meantime, I'll act cool and indifferent" Minor and major things... From being forcefully dragged out to dance with a hot girl in a miniskirt, to ending up being the son of the president of the most powerful nation in the world, whom Squall hardly acknowledges. Ridiculous, but if you think about it, he just doesn't know how to handle any of it, and refuses to, until it is absolutely evident that he can't hide behind his shell of indifference any longer.

Speaking of that "shell"... Rinoa eventually helps him 'remove', or rather loosen it. From there on he becomes much better in the 'not an ass' way.

Also, if you look past all his attitude problems, he's brave, strong (mentally and physically), reliable, responsible, a natural leader, romantic (he's wielding a sword in a technologically advanced world ffs), he's just bloody cool in general. Oh, and despite his past and bitterness, he doesn't end up a criminal or kill himself. No, instead he's starting (well at the beginning of the game he's certainly assuming he is) a career as a SeeD.

Besides, I just can't hate a leather-clad guy with a sword.

...Not quite related to the love/hate issue, but has anyone ever wondered how the hell he came to having his ear pierced? It's kind of something you'd do for attention (especially being a guy), plus it's potentially impractical in battles and such. Doesn't seem like something Squall would do.
it's a character development thing. he gets better throughout the game which is what you're supposed to get attracted to more - his "gentler", "caring" side lol

Mod edit: You could tell us if you liked Squall or not, add a bit more substance to your post =)
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Good lord, i swear the people that use the word emo have no idea what it's definition is. They just do it cause its the cool thing to do, that irritates me to to no end. Look everyone is emotional at one point or another in their life so to the people that responded with lololololol emo grow up seriously.

I still don't know if i like Squall or not since i haven't finished FF8 but i plan to once it hits PSN. I'll have an opinion of him then, so far i like him.

Same thing with Cloud, he's not emo either. Depression isn't easy to get out of, Cloud and Squall have good reasons for being the way they are. Whether people choose to accept and understand it is up to them. But if they just go go around using the word like its out of style without knowing its meaning then they're just ignorant.
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Hm...I'm seeing some posts of people defending Squall's behavior or how he talks. He acts the way that he is, nothing to really defend. I think sometimes people forget that he's a teenager. They all are, except unlike us they have the world's pressure on their shoulders. Just going through high school was emotional enough. I think all of us have acted like Squall at one point. Squall was my hero for awhile, I really connected with him haha.

Personally I got a kick out of his 'Whatever' moments. I found them kind of funny, plus the fact that he kept his distance since he didn't want to get hurt like he had in the past. So he felt it necessary to never get close to anyone. I do have to agree with the emo thing though. Seems if anyone is upset about something, people call them emo, which is just stupid. What? Your parent died? Quit being so emo. Lawl!

Ugh. I didn't find Squall annoying. You want annoying? Tidus, THAT'S annoying. Squall was true with his feelings, so I found him to be the most relatable character in a Final Fantasy. Partially because of that, he's one of my favorites. #1 or 2, at least. Plus with his maturity as the story goes on, I really enjoyed. Altogether I think he's one of the most enjoyable, relatable, and honest characters around.
I think sometimes people forget that he's a teenager.
That's no excuse for anything, really. In fact, it completely ignores the fact that most of his companions are his age and act nothing like that. It's not as though teenagers are generally miserable or doleful and that this is just some magnified version of that. On the other hand, it's fair to say "he is the way he is", but that doesn't mean anyone has to like him for who he is either.


Squall certainly can be a tough one to stomach sometimes. I guess the real problem was not just that he was miserable, but that this was static behavior from him for so long. This was followed by some late game, love-inspired turn of perspective from him that just happened too abruptly for my taste. So overall, I never found myself to be in his box often.

That's not to say that I didn't like him. It was just sort of hard to stand behind him, I suppose? And that's tough for an RPG, or any story really... You want characters that you can really come to support and rally behind, but it's hard to do when the character seems so reluctant for so long.

Also, I have to agree with those who say he is not emo. That's just another word socially tossed around.
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I dislike the guy, his attitude and way of being just irritates me, that's mainly because i'm not like him at all and so i find it depressing that he became the lead character in the story, always locked in his room, quiet and alone...that's just a boring way to live in my opinion.

I guess some people identify with him...i personally would not want to meet those people, nothing against them but they're not my type of people.
For me Squall's personality felt like it was transplanted from Cloud's initial personality, however unlike Cloud who's personality eventually grew to a more likeable character that people could associate with, Squall's personality stayed the same and made his character feel rather droll and unattached to the rest of the game.
I think the fact that squall is so hated for his personality shows how real they made his character in the game. People in general have people they get along with and like and those they don't. Personally due to the extreme amount of character development he has I rather enjoyed the game alot more because of that.

I didn't even like the game at all at first but as literally the character changed and developed I too felt my feelings for the game itself change. Not only did I start to enjoy the game but I started to like the character who I had at first strongly disliked.

In the end I liked the character and I enjoy the fact he is so real and has such a strong personality that he evokes real emotions towards something that isn't really there. Here is hoping for more of this in the future.
In the words of Kefka: "I see a poser!"

Squall is far too depressed and brooding for my tastes. He falls easily into the cliche of depressed 'edgy' Protagonists.
Let's remember that this is a post count section, therefore our posts must contain substance. Thank you. Mention why or why you don't like Squall, and you'll easily get a paragraph.

I myself love Squall. I like the deeper (some may argue this point, but I think Squall was fairly deep xD) and angsty characters, usually. It's easy to relate to not wanting to open up, and then having a single person (or group of people, I guess) get more and more out of you until you learn to trust.

Squall seemed very realistic to me, not annoying and overly depressing. Better depressing than faking happiness, in my opinion. *applauds Squall*

>.> Also, he's the main character of my favorite FF >.> I'm biased. A bit. <.<
squall is alone,fear to be reject so thats why he act like this.But in the storie he have the most serious personnality to be the best seeD.He is the man that will always take the good decision and will think before acting(a good point for him)and it is due to its introvert personality cause little speaker big doing(another good point).He is rude with people when they are stupid(maybe not the best way to act)but have is 2 feet on earth and to me he is awsomely epic at some point of the game cause he looks like a real hero.For me he make me feel to be real hero compare to other ff hero.