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  1. Kaarle K

    What are you currently reading?

    Animal Farm is great! Reading it was probably the first time I understood anything about politics :confused: A person who likes Animal Farm and 1984 might also enjoy Bulkagov's Master and Margarita. It was written in the Soviet Union before the second world war, and it contains heavy political...
  2. Kaarle K

    Favourite FF quotes

    Ultros: "Silence! You're in the presence of octopus royalty!" ...and: "Don't tease the octopus, kids."
  3. Kaarle K

    You're not even safe in your own home anymore

    Just a while ago somebody knocked on a door just a block away from where I live, and when the resident opened the door he was stabbed badly. The attacker was not caught. There've been at least two other stabbings and three rapings in the area where I live in a relatively short time. It's very...
  4. Kaarle K

    Cheesiest Scene In All Of Final Fantasy?

    The cutscene telling how Locke lost Rachel in FFVI is too just something awkward enough to be out the Bold and the Beautiful.
  5. Kaarle K


    Hello! Kaarle here from northern Europe. A big fan of Final Fantasy for... ten years, at least. ...Don't know if that is so much, though. :rolleyes: Anyway, nice to meet you!