Cheesiest Scene In All Of Final Fantasy?


ShinRa Guard
Feb 29, 2008

Honestly, I cannot watch the ending to this clips without bursting out laughing. I mean, hey, I like FFVII, but it seems like they should be playing the Captain Planet theme song in the background:giggle:

Sorta makes me not wanna buy it cuz I might die of laughter lol
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I didn't think it was that bad actually...Iv seen waaay cheesier in FFX..
Thats exactly what I was thinking :wacky: and the whole snog in the lake thing, that makes me cringe so much >_<
The cutscene telling how Locke lost Rachel in FFVI is too just something awkward enough to be out the Bold and the Beautiful.
LOL you guys have a point, that laugh scene makes me cringe. But of course it WAS their first game with actual voices, cut them some slack?
Yeah, there's nothing cheesier than the Laughing Scene.

I remember watching that DoC part and going: "CAPTAIN PLANET. HE'S A HERO!"
I have to admit that scene was pretty cheesy. I cringe everytime I watch it, but I guess one cheesy scene in the entire game isn't that bad. FFX on the other hand? Oh my gosh...
I didn't find that scene DoC to cheesy

but you know that scene in FF10-2 where Yuna Lulu Paine and Rikku are over looking besaid village and Lulu said "Yuna never forget that you are the high summoner" now that was cheesy

but all the modern FF i mean from 5 to 10 have had at least one cheesy scene I've just beaten FF12 and i didn't really see a cheesy scene in it
even when Ashe gave her stupid speeches it wasn't really cheesy
I found the Cloud-Tifa stage play scene in the Golden Saucer to be the cheesiest for me.

I'd watch the laughing scene again before playing through that bit of VII again.
the whole snog in the lake thing, that makes me cringe so much
no one you are chasing all the boys bambi, if you were willing to kiss someone you knew for only two weeks in a lake they would all be chasing you.

but laughing scene ftw

and there were definetly bits of XII that were cheesy, i just cant remember them.
damn vodka
The laughing scene in FFX is the cheesiest one in my opinion. It makes me cringe just to watch it =/
OK i take back my statement of saying "FF12 didn't have any cheesy bits"

I just beat the game and in the final film when Ashe said "Balthier please don't die"
that was pretty cheesy
OK i take back my statement of saying "FF12 didn't have any cheesy bits"

I just beat the game and in the final film when Ashe said "Balthier please don't die"
that was pretty cheesy

Oh lord, I forgot about that :wacky:

When she's screching down that microphone thingy I was just sat there thinking shut up woman....
There was also that bit with the team from FFX sliding down some thin cables towards Bevelle.

That was a serious cringe moment for me. I just kept thinking in my mind "They must have magnetic shoes, they must have magnetic shoes".
Hahah, magnetic shoes are pretty cheesey like, but what made me cringe more than anything else in any Final Fantasy game HAD to be the laughig scene in FFX. Ew. I mean it just sounds like ascript from a bad 80's sitcom.

"Too funny!"
"It was your idea"

The laughing scene in FFX, the Golden Saucer, and everything about Eiko are all too cheesy for me. I thought the laughing scene in FFX was cute though, reminded me of those teen movies my niece watches. xD
I loved the laughing scene and the scene by the spring! However, there is no doubt, the laughing scene is the cheesiest. However, X-2's ending wasn't far off. It was sooooo let's-be-happy-la-la-la. ¬_¬
The laughing scene in X. I cringe everytime I see it. Couldn't they have found a better way for Tidus and Yuna to bond?

The Highwind scene in VII. Ugh just gag me.

The promise scene in VII.

In VIII, while sitting in Ragnorok, Rinoa climbing into Squall's lap.

The spring scene in X. Seriously, a simple kiss would do, no need to spin around in the water.

The "perfect" ending of X2. That was enough to make me nausious.
