Cheesiest Scene In All Of Final Fantasy?

OH YEAH! I totally forgot about the Perfect ending in X-2. It was so cheesy, I wish it didn't exist. I think the regular ending was good enough for that game, because it didn't make me want to cover my eyes and ears while walking out of the room yelling. xD
Bah there was so much cheese in X-2 I could eat it on toast >_<

The beginning was just like oh lord... 'YRP in position!' That singing was just nooooo

The 1000 words in the thunder plains made me want to mute my tv and shut my eyes aswel
WHAT! I loved the 1000 Words video! Although I admit after the fact that it was cheesy at parts, I think it was kind of powerful and far more serious than 'Real Emotion'. The singing was better than Real Emotion too, although the dancing was definitely choice in the first song. :P

The YRP posing was hilarious, too.
Again, no, just made me cringe. I did actually like the game but there is just so much that makes me go >_<

Like when Yuna first appears and shes jumping around with her guns and does that stupid face
That scene was too epic. It reminded me of Law and Order for some reason, even though that show is far more tame. Maybe those were the names of her pistols. :updown:

FFX-2 could've toned down on the posing, though, to make it less cheesy. I mean, they posed in every freaking location they went to! xD
Egh... the whole of FFX-2 was complete cheese, and totally unnecessary, imo... from the beginning to the end, it was one cheesy line and/or event after another... but at least it was an RPG sequel, unlike Dierge of Cerberus, which was an annoying game that tried way too hard to be Devil May Cry.
Cheesiest scence? No, not that.

Try just about any given scene in FFX... or any in KH. XD

But christ you're right about the captain planet song. Whoever game VII characters elemental magic idiot summoning rings must be found and shot.

Oh, and when Yuffie started jumping around like an idiot, I was hoping someone would BOOM HEADSHOT her.