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  1. D

    Favorite FF Sidegame

    Best Side-Game in FF Series What is your favorite side-game in the ff series? And why. For me it was Triple Triad in VII for sure. Why? Just because I like that fact that you could play it hours on end, and there were special rules like Plus and Elemental, plus I wanted to get all the face...
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    FFX-2 Am I The Only One Who Actually Like It?

    I thought it was good, like said above, cute. I liked the battle system, but some of the stuff was over done, like the song dress sphere...I didn't see how that fit in. The storyline wasn't to bad either.
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    Crisis Core Missions

    Just wondering. When you guys get new missions, do you complete them all there? Or do you play the story a bit more, then periodically take down the missions?
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    Reviews My review of Crisis Core

    For the most part I actually do agree with you. For a PSP game, it's simply amazing. I was however, a bit disappointed when I saw the graphics were about the same between FFVII and C:C. It did take me a bit to get used to the "360 fighting style" (like in FFXII) but it was easy to adapt to. I...
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    What keeps you playing?

    I probably have an emotional attachment to this game. It was the first game that I ever beat...I would invite my cousin to stay the night just so I could watch him play it. I still play it to this day too! I think what kept it going for me was that the characters develop so well throughout...