Favorite FF Sidegame

Ezekiel Vex

Ifrit's Pyromancer
Feb 6, 2008
What was your favorite side game from the FF series?

Mine personally was Blitzball from FFX. It's practically a full sport and it actually requires skill to play.
i cannot decide between two mini-games when ever i get asked this question

Triple Triad card game from FFVIII was amazing and i loved everything about it and the fact of i had most of the character cards made me next to immortal as i turned all of my crappy cards into items so i couldn't loose in 'random' ruled games

and the other is FFX's Blitzball as i loved the sport itself and thought that it should get it's own game

mine is blitzball its a bit silly but helps you relax
Best Side-Game in FF Series

What is your favorite side-game in the ff series? And why.

For me it was Triple Triad in VII for sure.
Why? Just because I like that fact that you could play it hours on end, and there were special rules like Plus and Elemental, plus I wanted to get all the face cards =)
I'd probably go with Blitzball, but that doesn't mean I enjoyed playing it. There just isn't a whole lot of competition.
I loved the motorcycle mini-game in VII. its one of the memorable mini-games in all the series imho
I definately think blitzball was the best mostly because it had the most detail for a minigame. I also want to note that it got immensly better in X-2 and that i wasted away so much time organising and building my team and i had fun doing it.
Probably Triple Triad in VIII, that game just sucked me in for hours. So simple yet so addictive >_<

OH I love the rollercoastery thing in FFVII, I just liked shooting things :wacky:
Triple Triad in VIII was so good. I used to play that for ages and ages, I got a bit too into it.

And I loved that Motorbike game too, in the Golden Saucer arcade. That was way fun!
Not so much a game but dodge 200 light strikes in 10...but really i know Triple Triad started it but i like Tetramaster more for some reason so ill go with that.
I've spent a lot of time on the Snowboarding game in FFVII, but Blitzball is the best side-game in my opinion. The only thing wrong with it is that it gets far too easy after a while. FFVIII gets an honourable mention with Triple Triad.
Triple Triad was okay...but eventually it becomes a chore to make sure the Random Rule doesn't get spread around...but it is one of the most useful...or at least, the Diablo Card, if I recall...100 Holy Wars! wh00t!!

I found X's Blitzball funner than the actual game...You can take from that whatever you want...>_>

But, anyways, my fav mini-game of the series has got to be Chocobo Hot & Cold from FFIX. It was a cheap, easy, useful, fun aside from the actual story itself...AND THERE WERE CHOCOBOS (w/o being lame like VII's Chocobo Breeding/Racing)!!!
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To be truly honest its either blitzball or Chocobo hot and cold dont know why but riding around on the little chocobo seemed to please me aswell as finding items and such alike.

But blitzball was probably the best now i really think about it=]
All time favourites? Hunts (FFTA, RW, FFXII), Hot and Cold (FFIX) and Blitzball (FFX)

Hunts - so many different things to acquire, goals to meet etc
Hot and Cold - getting awesome treasures, getting obsessed with digging XD
Blitzball - I just got obsessed with building a super team @_@
Either Blitzball, triple triad, or chocobo racing/breeding. Triple triad probably consumed most of my time, but the satasfaction of beating Teio or whatever he was called in the chocobo racing square was fantastic. I used to love how he was always better than you, yet you could always beat him.
hmmmm... I probably have to say the Motorcycle game from FF7.

It's very different to the rest of the series. It actually requires co-ordination (something I lack), plus, I just love to get out the buster sword, and just hitting them senseless :monster:
It's Blitzball for me. They created an entire sports league in an RPG! I loved it. Trading players, checking standings... it's what sports nerds dream about it. I remember talking about it with my friends like it was real. "WHY are the AL-Bhed Psyches so good?!"
For me its either the motorbike game or the snowboarding game in FFVII.

lol, I remember saving before both points just so I can play them over and over again
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Hardkore Enigma said:
lol, I remember saving before both points just so I can play them over and over again

Yeah, that's a good idea. The mini-game versions in the Gold Saucer later just weren't the same. The submarine battle simulation was pretty good, though.
Alright, just a small thing, I don't know if anyone else has noticed or is near as bothered by it as me, but...side-game?? Who calls them that? I can understand sidequest & mini-game...but what's with that hodgepodge? Side-game sounds more like you're talking about one of the spin-off titles or something...I mean, was it just that you couldn't decide which to use? "Sidequest? Mini-game?!? I'll just combine them and hope it still makes sense!"...>_>