Favorite FF Sidegame

I know there's some more similar threads out there...but for now this will do.

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I gotta go with Triple Triad and the motorbike game from VII, I mean how can you not love caning it on a bike while waving a huge sword.
Would doing marked hunts count? On XII?

Because that was my favorite, i guess right next to Blitzball, i liked blitz but then i hated it, so it was a kind of love hate thang we had goin on :gasp:.

Hunting was so much fun, going all around Ivalice finding rare monsters and killing them :monster:.
Tetra master from Final Fantasy 9! That was the best Final Fantasy Card game! well i haven't ever played Triplet traid in Final Fantasy 7.so ill see which one is better:D! I Spent 5 or more hours playing tetra master!
I don't know about my all-time favorite since my memory isn't up-to-scratch, but I loved the card games in 8 and 9, they were very addictive. Also the motocyle game in 7 and the chocobo racing in 7 as well.
I liked most of em, but if I had to choose (like now) I would say Blitzball or Chocobo Hot & Cold, why?
- Chocobo Racing: It didn't work on my copy of FFVII
- Triple Triad: I didn't like it that much
Probably Blitzball, I didn't find the game particularly enthralling but it was better than most of the sidegames from other FF titles and it was a nice break to have from the main story.
Blitzball was horrible and too easy. It was a good idea and it did have potential it just seemed to lack overall. Maybe Squaresoft should have developed it a little bit futher tbh.

As for my favorite it would probably be Triple Triad from VIII aswell as some of the ones from VII such as the Motorcycle game. The games that actually got you to think or made use of your reactions, really taking you away from the main game for a time.
OMG I think that Blitzball was a really well designed game that's fun to play once you actually know how. I also loved the games like Snowboarding and Biking and Rollar coaster'ing at the Gold Suacer from FF7.
out of all the games i would have to say that 10 has the best one. Blitzball was hell fun difficult and extremely unpredictable and stratigic it was hella great

Blitzball was quite a good minigame when I got into FFX. It was unpredictable at times, and that's what kept me interested. The chocobo minigame from IX though is possible my favourite out of games. I was so addicted to it and the music ^_^
My favorite side game was probably Triple Triad from VIII, its the only one I actually got into and had fun playing. It was relatively easy to get the hang of and the rewards were well worth it.
For me it's gonna be Blitzball i literally got addicted, i ended up playing it for about 150 hours before i thought that i should go do something else. It was just put together so well, with the whole scouting thing and recruiting players from other teams.
I really liked the hunting sidequest in FFXII. You got a lot of rare items, weapons, and armor by doing them, not to mention you got to explore the awesome world of Ivalice while doing it. I had tons of fun completeing all of them, a lot more fun than hunting for the Ultimate Weapons or playing blitzball.
chocobo games in 9 or...... card game in 8 hmmm and 7 for the win for snow boarding and roller coaster shoot um' up.
I enjoyed the snowboarding on FF7. It was probably the only game I liked that I can think of at the moment to be honest.

I enjoy snowboarding games, so I guess it comes as no suprise that I liked that sidegame.
I liked pretty much everything from the Golden Saucer. Especially snowboarding and the battle arena. Secon would be blitzball, followed by the card game in IX. Chocobo hot and cold was also fun in IX. I wish I could find my FFIX game. Anyway, I think as far as minigames go, FFVII takes the cake just because of how many you have to choose from. Arm wrestling was fun too.