Favorite FF Sidegame

The only side games I liked were the snowboarding and motorcycle chase from Final Fantasy VII and the minigames from FFIV DS for Edge and Cecil. All the other side games were either boring, confusing, or crappy.
Definitely the hunting sidequests in FFXII. Even though the game was a little under-developed and some of the characters (Vaan, Penelo) were retarded, the hunt club was really enjoyable,
and so were the other 30 hunts you had to do for the three bangaa brothers!
FFVII was the king of mini-games... Snowboarding, motorbiking, submarining, boxing, arm wrestling, mog breeding, basketball, rollercoasting, chocobo racing and the collosseum of the Battle Arena. They're just the main ones...
Theres others such as defining Fort Condor with a tactical army deployment style mini-game, and catching frogs in the forest created when Ultima Weapon explodes in Disc 3.

Are they good? Yes! Really, really enjoyable. I'm glad they came up with the idea to have the arcade in the Gold Saucer to allow you to play most of them again at any time, and collect high scores etc...

Other FF's had great mini-games also. FF9 was another good one for the mini-games I think, with that card game (which FF8 had one too), skipping, auction house, racing, and oglop catching (I think)...

But I think for me FF7 had the best mini-games. Out of all of the FF7 mini-games? I honestly can't choose...
Put more effort in your post please, say WHY youlike those best, thanks ^^
Blitzball in FFX, definitely. It's fun, but it can be quite tedious at low levels. There is no way you can win if you're playing the Al Bhed Psyches on your first match - their goalkeeper is way too tough. You'll actually have better luck with the Sphere Shot than the Jecht Shot. And I'm referring to playing with the original Aurochs. I've never recruited anyone else.
my favorite side games are Blitzball and the Chocobo races from FFVII.

Blitball because it added a sport and an addicting one at that to the FF series (not done well in FFX-2, but still).

and the Chocobo Races in FFVII just because of how much fun it is to beat Chocobo Joe at every race, and to get that load of items from Ester at the end when you win 10 S-Rank races.
Triple Triad in Final Fantasy VIII, it was so addictive and it was so exciting when a character or GF card appeared.It was a huge sense of acomplishement to obtain all cards.
Bouncin' off 2-D moogles in VII snowboarding.

Helllllllls to the yes.
The monster hunting in FFXII. I enjoyed finding monsters. Not even to kill them and get rare items, but to add them to my bestiary :D.
Also, Blitzball. It was a bit of light-heartedness in a pretty serious game.
Card games in FFVIII. Chocobo Racing in FFVII. Quests in FFXII and chocobo racing in FFX :D

Best side games ever! ^^
Triple Triad in Final Fantasy VIII. I probably spent more hours playing that than I did the actual storyline of the game. Its woefully addicting...due in no small part to Shuffle or Boogie. Plus I just love playing card games. XD

That said, the monster hunts in FFXII were a lot of fun. Some of them were fairly challenging.
Blitzball was epic. It was very exciting and a fun way to take my mind off of the story for a bit. I liked knowing that I could actually win at it and Tidus's shots always seemed cool.

Triple Triad was great as well. It was harder, but more tactical which made it a good pastime.
7 - chocobo racing
8 - triple triad
9 - hot n cold
10/10-2 - blitzball
12 - hunts
Blitzball and Triple Triad take the cake for me. Blitzball's idea was really well thought out, I give props to Square for pulling an entire sport out of their behinds, but the control scheme wasn't all too flattering, fun as hell nonetheless though. After playing it on X, I was kinda hoping to see it in future installments like XIII or something. It seems like it would fit in, no?

And I love Triple Traid because well....it's Triple Triad. It's great and addicting lets put it that way.
i cannot decide between two mini-games when ever i get asked this question

Triple Triad card game from FFVIII was amazing and i loved everything about it and the fact of i had most of the character cards made me next to immortal as i turned all of my crappy cards into items so i couldn't loose in 'random' ruled games

and the other is FFX's Blitzball as i loved the sport itself and thought that it should get it's own game
I agree. The FF8 card game was nice and simple. Blitzball ruled too. I was talking to a friend yesterday saying they should make Blitzball a separate game, just for sh-ts and giggles. EA and Squeenix join up to do it, would be great.

Anyway. FFX Blitzball was challenging and fun, though you could glitch all the players by hiding behind your goalie and win with ease. When it came to FFX-2 Blitzball, it simmered down into a kind of football manager game. Which was ok, but not as fun.
I'm currently waiting for FF8 to be released on the PS Store in EU so I can play it. No doubt I'll be playing cards for hours.
I would have to say that normally I don't play side games in ff unless they really give you a great prize because I don't know i just normally dont like them... Didn't care for blitzball when I was forced to play it in the ffx story, never got into the card games in ffviii and ffix..

I really liked hot or cold in ffix though.. I'd say it was my favorite.. Tell me you all didn't cream your pants when you dug up a chocograph i beg of you.. I liked the breeding concept of ffvii but i didn't care much for the racing game to raise their ranks.