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  1. Z

    FFXII Killed Limits...seriously

    I just use the quickenings vs marks and rare game (sometimes bosses if I know I will have a hard time vs them). With quickenings, because of the fact that they drop your MP to zero, you need to know when to and when not to use them. If you can vs a boss and defeat it using just a standard gambit...
  2. Z

    Leveling difficulties

    If your characters are all lvl 26, might I suggest Ozmone Plain? Fight all the Zaghnals and Zus there, and you should be good, both EXP and also LP wise.
  3. Z

    FFX's Hardest Challenge

    The butterfly game and trying to beat it w/o moving the sphere grid for Kimahri or Rikku
  4. Z

    Was Kimahri a Worthless Character in Battle?

    I think that with the way he was setup, plus his start position on the sphere grid, Kimahri is more of a "Make him what you will" type of character, which adds a nice twist to the game in my point of view.
  5. Z

    Greetings 8)

    Hello everyone :cool:. ZenithThunderX here, and I'm looking forward to my time here.