Was Kimahri a Worthless Character in Battle?

well seeing as yuna was my main attack power, I didn't have a special need for kimahri, although he is one of the most interesting characters in the whole game, got lot of potential, but it was sad that he didn't have his own stuff that he could learn...
as for saphirestar dont question me. ive done nothing rong. and that post was pretty off topic fyi

No it wasnt. And dont go pseudo modding to mods ... stupid thing to do.

Youve earned yourself an infraction. Please dont talk back to mods and yes you did do something wrong, you always look to start arguements by questioning an entire thread! Plus you go on about Saix not "liking" pepole opinions in this thread. Hypocrite, you do the same thing. Yes listen to others opinions, but demanding why people cant see the same as you is uncalled for. You do that alot. Its about time you learnt mate. Enjoy prison.

Apologies guys.
Back on topic now please people.
I think that with the way he was setup, plus his start position on the sphere grid, Kimahri is more of a "Make him what you will" type of character, which adds a nice twist to the game in my point of view.
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he role is general distruction
he is good at the small ones and the large ones
he is good at magic emamys (ultama is in his area)
and his weapon is also persing so the def specilasts can be killed by him as well.
Meh, never really used him much, except for when I needed someone to take a powerful attack from an enemy. >_>
I did find Kimahri somewhat worthless, I only leveled him so i didn't have weak characters.
His OD was no help when battling the Dark Aeons and Arena monsters, Especially considering how good the ODs of Wakka and Tidus were and how useful Grand Summoning was in difficult battles, Hell even Rikku's mix helps during Nemesis and Auron's Banishing Blade helped with some high Def Bosses.
Kimahri's role was not HUGE but it was there. He was Yuna's guardian before anyone else. lol. But, if you used him properly he was quite worthy of playing with. Just depends on if you use him or not. =/.
I thought they could all learn the same skill except summoning and overdrives? Anyway, I didn't really like using any of them. After a while, I switched up because I got tired of seeing the same party.
I found Kimahri pretty useful for the storyline gameplay, mighty guard was particularly useful on bosses. But end game wise hes not very useful. When it comes to fighting the battle arena originals, dark aeons and Penance, the obvious party choice is Tidus, Wakka and Yuna. Nonetheless, i did sometimes bring him out for mighty guard on some of the faster dark aeon fights.
So overall he's not totally worthless in battle, but definitely not a character to have as part of your main 3.
once you clear the entire grid and replace all +1,+2 and +3s with +4s, he's just as good as anyone else, he works as a good tank for me, but i just dont use him too much, come to think about it i only use Wakka, Tidus and Auron.
I'd say Kimhari's a bit of a freelancer like in FF3, he has low base attributes, but he can be molded into whatever you want... Mine is like a higher healthed version of Rikku with all her abilities, along with Holy and Curaga, he's pretty good for whatever you want him to become.
I enjoyed that he started in the center of the grid. He could be anything, so long as you knew where he was going. He wasn't the set in stone character that everyone else was. He never made my top three, but he was my number four.
I never had the time to raise Kimarhi properly. But, I did get him to the point where he could be a lesser Auron if I needed him to be.
Haha Kimahri was a total waste of time! I never ever used him, only in key parts such as saving yuna from the al bhed! But he was completely useless no relevence to anything really and I always forgot that he was in my party which resulting him to be the weakest! I had ta bulk him up quick though for the battle at Mt. Gagazet
if your talking about biran&yenke gippal you dont need to level him up for it theyre even weaker than kimhari no matter what his stats are
No not biran and yenke, for the seymour battle!
Biran and Yenke were too easy!
I always (almost always at least) use Kimarhi my standard party, with the right grid he is one of the strongest attackers there is for a large part of the game, especially if you get the Knight Lance early on from one of the Trials