Was Kimahri a Worthless Character in Battle?

I thought he was the best character to have, he has strong physical and magical strength, he can deal decent damage to strong shelled enemies, he has some pretty decent status enducing overdrives, he only needs to be put on wakka's or tidus' grid to make him the best character
>> the beauty of the game is that, any character can be the strongest, the freedom you have in the SG allows you to do so.
yes but kimahri is strong from the start and only needs serious work with his speed, pity he gets pwned when tidus fights him
For some reason when i just recently played it again, i finished his grid then went to lulu's and suprisingly he wasnt too bad after that. only problem was his physical damage was weak and i like to melee more then mage. so i finished got to the -aga magics and then moved him to wakka! :)
Yuna's overdrives are awesome and so are kimahri's!

think of all the annoying enemies that a sword strike can't take out yet a quick stone breath can :rolleyes:
Never used the stone breath... :D, I guess it's just relative, everyone can't like the same things :D there were 7-8 characters and it so happened that i chose not to play him... Yuna was the main female char, Lulu was hot, Tidus main char, Auron was badass, and Wakka and Rikku were funny :D no room for Kimahri :D
well it all depends if you are upgraded fully kimahris and yunas overdrives do suck. lulus are all right (drain x16 is awesome espically with high hp)

as afor stone breath i havnt used it since the very first time i got it on the very first time i played the game lol
I've played the game three times through now, and I've never ended up using Kimahri after Besaid. His spells aren't that strong and he isn't much of a melee fighter either. I'd say all you need is Tidus, Yuna and Auron, plus Wakka perhaps.
But if you compare stone breath to attack reels or oblivion or blitz ace then stone breath becomes FAILED. Not to mention there are no bosses that can be petrified.
Kimahri is an average to horrible character in the end, because he just like Auron, Rikku can only deal out single 99999 damage per turn. While the others can do multiple 99999 per turn. Just look at someone like Lulu, with her Overdrive she can deal outwards of 6+ 99999 per hit, her's has the potential to do ridiculous amounts I've had it do 12x for 99999 before. Tidus has Blitz Ace which is a guarantee 7+ hits for 99999.

Wakka has Attack reels which is 12x for 99999, and then you have Yuna w/ Yojimbo, if you pay him enough, he'll unleash his final attack for an Instant Kill, pratically on any opponent, regardless of HP/DEF you name it, 1-Hit Kill ='s Winner.

Kimahri is just that, average in the end, simply because he cannot deal out more than only one 99999 per turn.
But if you compare stone breath to attack reels or oblivion or blitz ace then stone breath becomes FAILED. Not to mention there are no bosses that can be petrified.

Kimahri is just that, average in the end, simply because he cannot deal out more than only one 99999 per turn.

Good points, both. But I think one of Auron's Overdrives was a multiple? Or am I wrong?
YA that's tornado which is only 2 hits. Looks cool though.

Auron's banishing blade is a good overdrive though, since it inflicts full break on the enemy ^_^
Well, Nova was a Blue Mage move that Kimahri used that was a reallllyyy awesome Overdrive. So, meh.

I still think he was not useless.
Actually, it's kinda hard to label any of them useless... If anyone spends enough time maxing out the sphere gird, every character can essentially become a clone of one another - Summons, Magic, Skills, etc... The only difference would be the weapons used and specific overdrives.
Nova looked cool but was still a 1 hit overdrive so it FAILED.
Actually, it's kinda hard to label any of them useless... If anyone spends enough time maxing out the sphere gird, every character can essentially become a clone of one another - Summons, Magic, Skills, etc... The only difference would be the weapons used and specific overdrives.

The bolded part on your post is the reason of what seperates the average FFX characters, from the great FFX characters. Again, read my topic, Khimari is average because he can only deal out single 99999 per turn.

Look at the strongest FF bosses in the game, they wield out humongeous HP and the best way to take them out is by using characters who can deal out more than 99999 per turn. These characters only include Wakka, Yuna, Tidus and Lulu, that's why they are at the top of the food chain, while the rest fall completely short.

Infact, if you look at character rankings from FFVII, FFVIII, to FFX, you'll have noticed that they are all ranked by who can deal out the most successive damage within a turn.

In FFVII it's Barret/Cid, in FFVIII Zell is the single strongest character within ANY FF game due to his LimitBreak, and in FFX as I stated earlier.

At the end of this game, when your at your maxed potential in FFX, Overdrives is all that matters.
Whoa, My Kimahri can take more than 99999 down. o_O...Yours just sucks. lol.

Some people just did not know how to use him right
Whoa, My Kimahri can take more than 99999 down. o_O...Yours just sucks. lol.

Some people just did not know how to use him right

Can he dish it out 12 x for 99999 like Wakka? Can he do instant kills like Yuna w/ Yojimbo? Can he do 7+ 99999 like Lulu or 7+ 99999 like Tidus? The answer is no, and you talk as if my Khimari sucks...honestly, I reinstalled the entire Sphere to make sure everyone was 255+ for all stats.

Khimari is average, what does he have that can allow him to achieve as much damage as the characters I stated above? The answer is quite simple, and it is No, he cannot.

Khimari is nowhere near as good as those characters stated above, he's only average at the end.