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  1. T

    Favorite Band/Song for each genre .

    goth rock: scorched earth erotica-Cradle Of Filth rap/hip-hop: lollipop-Lil Wayne Alternative:can't repeat-The Offspring rap rock: freak on a leash-Korn
  2. T

    What pissed you off today?

    what pissed me off today was when i was playing FFX. I got to the part where you had to fight the Crawler and i couldn't beat the damn thing!!
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    Whats the longest you've gone without sleep?

    I think i stayed up for like 2 days straight playing Halo 3. NO LIFE! But once i finished i went straight to bed!!!
  4. T

    [V1] What are you currently playing?

    my games Call of Duty:Black Ops, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy VII, Dynasty Warriors 3 and 4 MOD EDIT: Can you please put more effort into your posts please? This is a spam post in a post count section. Elaborate more on why you're playing these games. Thank you.