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  1. T

    Guado? As A Welcoming Area?.....

    I'm a little confused. Why the f*** did they make GUADOSALAM a welcoming place? Halfway through FFX the Guado were trying to kill you. No thanks, I don't like disembowelment. Not a very good holiday destination. Anyhoo, welcome xD
  2. T

    Boss Fights!

    For me, Barty II. He kicked my ass on... um... how many... 12 different occasions! It was him casting death at random times that REALLY got to me. I'm betting I'm the only person EVER to have Barty cast death 5 seconds in... >:D
  3. T

    Help FFX Yunalesca

    Thank you everyone. NOW I'm stuck on Seymour Omnis. Gee, thanks alot! xD However, I have a reflect strategy I havn't tried yet... So don't start posting Seymour strategies.
  4. T

    Help FFX Yunalesca

    I really need help with Yunalesca's special move, "Mega-Death". Sometimes, I die, and sometimes I survive. Can someone tell me HTF do you survive it??? Thnks :)