Boss Fights!


¿¿¿ Immune: Libra ???
Jul 15, 2010
When I took mission 64 I was thinking "let's just see what the most powerful boss in the game can do and I'll come back later" I wasn't even prepared for the fight and I defeated him on my first "test try". That was for laughs, for me the most hard-to-beat boss fight was Attacus, maybe because I was kinda weak at that point of the game but I found it more challenging than Vercingetorix. (only difficult about him is his name :wacky:)
for me, the hardest boss in the game was Barthandelus II, bitch and a half to beat. He cast doom on me half way through the battle and I was like 'wtf?!' yes, that was very annoying...
Proudclad 2 was probably the most difficult in the game for me. The boss itself isn't all that difficult apart from being annoyingly quick and regenerates health, it's more that the crystarium system expands shortly before and the jump between the last boss and Proudclad is probably the steepest in the game. That being said, on my second playthrough for the trophies I learnt that any decent amount of grinding and you'll walk all over every boss.
Proudclad 2 here as well, partially because he can't be debuffed when he's in aerial mode, which can be a real pain in the ass. Regenerating health doesn't exactly help either. Overdrive and something. I forget what.

Barthandelus the first.
was annoying as well. His body parts, put together with Destrudo resetting his stagger gauge= a pretty annoying boss fight.
i dont know what his name is, but i think that flying annoying thing in chapter 12 ( the last boss in CH 12)
^ that's probably Proudclad 2, he's not always flying though so I could be wrong
Guys, watch out for the short one-liners in this thread please.


I never really bothered with the sidequest monsters, so I'll just consider the storyline boss battles. I never really considered any of the bosses to be particularly too difficult as it was essentially a case of grinding enough CP in the Crystarium and/or just knowing what to do in a battle. I admittedly did struggle against Orphan's first form once or twice purely because I just charged in all guns blazing without doing much tactical thinking. But Barthandelus's first form was really irritating for me considering the game has been relatively easy up to that point. It was the annoying fact that he has so many faces you have to take out first. Then there's his Destrudo attack which can kill if unprepared and how it resets the stagger gauge. In fact, most of the bosses manage to reset their gauges. That doesn't make the fights hard, it just annoyingly prolongs them.

And I know the majority says that Proudclad 2 is difficult, but strangely I never actually encountered that many problems with it. :|
This might be lame but Proudclad I was actually the hardest boss in the game for me. Radiant strike was enough to get me irratated. After he raised his stats to the max and all that. Yeah I know Proudclad II was the samething but with a new form but I was stuck on Proudclad I for like a day and proudclad I I beat 3rd try I believe. Heh maybe cause I kne wthe pattern. I know protection wa sthe way to go with proudclad I but I still did die at times. Vercingetorix was cake and so was Attacus :hmmm: Orphan I pissed me of fthhough with his insta death attacks :hmph:
The hardest one for me was Barthandelus I. I had to try that fight so many times, I got to the point where I came up with the best strategy, and still lost. Then of course, the first time I beat it, I didn't have disk 3, so I had to do it again. :rage:

Tbh, I never found Proudclad to be all that hard. When I heard everyone bitching about him, I figured he was gonna be a pain in the ass, but when I went against him, he was easier than I expected. :hmmm:
With me i would have to say it was

LOL. Just had epic hp and was just annoying half the time cuz i never came up with a good strategy to defeat im lol.
Gigantuar wrote off my team. He spams 10,000 needles every three or four seconds 8(

You gotta throw some crazy paradigms together and spam daze to take that bastard down. Some impossible stagger gauge to fill aswell between healing and rebuffing/debuffing, hardest mission in the game for me.

Vercingetorix ain't that difficult, you can even five star him by
poisoning him and defending until he dies.
Definitely the Proudclad 2, it took me 2 weeks to figure out how to beat him and the fight itself was about a good 15 - 20 mins.
The hardest boss for me was the first Barthandelus fight, I went for four days getting my ass kicked about 300 times before I finally beat him. I finally realized that I wasn't using the right Paradigm. I alternated between tri disaster and relentless assault to build his guage up fast, and agression to do the most damage. That time he never even cast doom and I only used Odin for the effect while killing him.

I cannot believe people keep saying proudclad 2. That was the easiest boss in the game. I beat him in like two minutes (ok, maybe 5), tri disaster to stager and Army of One every Minute. I had very strong ravegers. But that might be because I have a grinding addiction problem.
Barthandelus 1. It took me so long to figure out how to kill him. I kept getting his HP down really low ... Then he would just let out his massive attack ... and kick all my teams ass'. I was soooo close to throwing my controller out the window.

Eventually realised I'd been using the wrong paradigm ... facepalmed myself ... Then beat him :D
Oddly enough, I'm going to come out and say Odin. The previous Eidolon fights I was able to pretty much force my way through. This one though, took me 13 tries and a text to my friend to figure it out. Keep in mind, I refused to use Auto-Battle the entire game so I could learn things manually. Libra wasn't really helping me with the fight for some reason either. I didn't read up anything about how to play the game prior to playing XIII as to not ruin my experience.

There are a few of the 64 focuses that I have yet to tackle though, which could change my answer.
For me, Barty II. He kicked my ass on... um... how many... 12 different occasions! It was him casting death at random times that REALLY got to me. I'm betting I'm the only person EVER to have Barty cast death 5 seconds in... >:D
I'm not sure if this really classifies as a boss, but Gigantaur gave me the most trouble. I think his battle was too much based on luck rather than skill. Seriously, I spent the whole time just crossing my fingers, hoping that pain or fog wouldn't be inflicted.
I thought Orphan would be hard because I saw it everywhere on the internet. So hyped up! I finished him off well before the target time. I didn't even have special weapons. Was slightly disappointed because I could name harder battles that I was not even anticipating. Anyway, I too found Barthandelus 2 hard. I wasn't very good at the game though, so I found almost every boss very difficult.

Btw, I also agree Odin was difficult, but Barthandelus, very much so.
The hardest boss for me was Barthandelus II the first one was a lot easier for me.
Attacus was weak i had 5 stars the 2nd try.