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  1. Exiled Angel

    FFX Character Elimination

    Heals lulu for 30 and kicks yuna in the shin -30 Lulu 570 Yuna 540 Auron 390 Jecht 420 Anima 240 Bahamut 450 Shiva 90 Valefor 450 Farplane: Seymour Wakka Tidus Kimahri Yunalesca Rikku Yu yevon Magus Sisters Ixion Yojimbo Ifrit
  2. Exiled Angel

    FFX Character Elimination

    Casts Ultima on Ifrit -60 Lulu 600 Yuna 600 Auron 330 Jecht 450 Anima 300 Bahamut 360 Shiva 270 Ifrit 150 Valefor 450 Farplane: Seymour Wakka Tidus Kimahri Yunalesca Rikku Yu yevon Magus Sisters Ixion Yojimbo
  3. Exiled Angel

    Which Final Fantasy game should I get?

    Final fantasy VI has a very good story :D, and the same as what the others said any FF is really good so if you can get any that you've not played then it's a good story. I've not played them all but i've played quite a few and all have had great storys. At the moment i would deff go for ff 6
  4. Exiled Angel

    Cloud Strife

    I've played the game a few times, and i've got to admit I do really like him from the game, well from what I remember the more I read this forum the more it makes me remember FFVII. Which as you know is great i'm not going to debate the whole emo issue as LA and everyone has pretty much proven...
  5. Exiled Angel

    KHII Did you like the first part of the story?

    I like it myself, it had quite a bit of interesting and strange things going on imo. I thought it was good when it showed all the weird things that were going on in that world. It was a bit slow but 3 hours is not a lot in a game of this size imo. Well that and I did like roxas myself, he was a...
  6. Exiled Angel

    Favourite Planet

    Though most places imo were a bit too short, that's only because I wanted halloween town to be longer lolz I wanted more jack the pumpken king! Well just glad they did not do it wrong and that it was good even if it was one of the shorter storys in the game imo. Was still the best place in the game
  7. Exiled Angel

    Airship Comparsion Topic

    The Prima Vista at the start just looks amazing. I love the style of the ship this old school kinda look, allways looks the best in my opinion. Then after that is Garden, because of the way you get it. The way I never saw it coming that it would be able to move at all. I was thinking how are...
  8. Exiled Angel

    FFX Character Elimination

    Gives Lulu candy which heals her 60, can't let her go below max :D Lulu 600 Yuna 570 Auron 360 Jecht 270 Anima 420 Yojimbo 300 Bahamut 300 Shiva 240 Ifrit 240 Valefor 480 Farplane: Seymour Wakka Tidus Kimahri Yunalesca Rikku Yu yevon Magus Sisters Ixion
  9. Exiled Angel

    Advent Children Advent Children Ripoff...

    lolz yea if they did not get permison to do that, i'm sure sqaure sued them. Wow thought I thought it was great in a way just so funny, some of the action scences were alright, i've seen a lot worse in some tv show. Though I would love to know what the song is about, lolz at the end bit.
  10. Exiled Angel

    What did you name squall and rinoa?

    first time througth was Squall=ANDY yes it had caps as well, so it annoyed me a bit cause i felt like every person was shouting at me lolz. Rinoa I allways called Sara, but i'm not sure why at the moment. Though now when i play though i keep it too the same.
  11. Exiled Angel

    Ok pick your Eidolons

    hmmm this is a hard one to choose because unlike other ff's you've seen what the edions can really do agaist land. Which is a lot better too bad you can't see more of Summons doing damage agest citys etc. Hmmm though I did not use them that much I think I go for Shiva as she is allways one of my...
  12. Exiled Angel

    Alexander is a.........

    I'm pretty sure he is Holy, so probably just allways something to do with holly all the time. Though what extaly he is i'm not sure just someway to use holy. FFVIII he was that giant robot, FFIX he was a castle. So in terms of a tittle I would probably have to go for the easy way out and say...
  13. Exiled Angel

    Something to make you laugh

    just saw ep 1. It is very good, I loved how they steal all his roomates stuff and then battle, then steal his stuff just so lolz. I've seen something simalar with maths killing teachers etc lolz. This is gold going to have to watch the rest later
  14. Exiled Angel

    FFX Character Elimination

    Casts Water on Ixion -30 Heals lulu for +30 Lulu 540 Yuna 540 Auron 360 Jecht 330 Anima 420 Yojimbo 300 Magus Sisters 120 Bahamut 300 Shiva 240 Ixion 60 Ifrit 240 Valefor 450 Farplane: Seymour Wakka Tidus Kimahri Yunalesca Rikku Yu Yevon
  15. Exiled Angel

    Theme Park

    yea Theme hospital is a great game, it was out not that long after this one. It's for the pc so that could be why you've not heared of it. Don't know if you can get for the ps1 probably. You should defently look for this one it's a lot better. Anyway back on topic I did play it but I never...
  16. Exiled Angel

    FFX Character Elimination

    Casts cure on Lulu +30, then Casts fire on Magus Sisters -30 Lulu 390 Yuna 510 Auron 360 Jecht 240 Anima 360 Yojimbo 330 Magus Sisters 210 Bahamut 300 Shiva 240 Ixion 240 Ifrit 300 Valefor 390 Farplane: Seymour Wakka Tidus Kimahri Yunalesca Rikku Yu Yevon
  17. Exiled Angel

    Where did you get your username from?

    well I used to be called Angel on every forum I was on till I found one where it was taken then I thought i'd just go with Exiled Angel and that one was not taken. So I've got it because I love the word Angel and if I can't have that one I got for this one. Which is better in someways.
  18. Exiled Angel

    What game did you buy last?

    As i'm in england the last thing I've brought was Final Fantasy 12, and before that I brought F.E.A.R which I was playing a lot will probably play again after i'm down with my Final Fantasy
  19. Exiled Angel


    I love that show that. I can not get enougth, though I can't remember all there names that's only cause i'm bad at names. My fave is probably Hiro, he is so funny sometimes and his power is wow, though Peter is great as well. who is your fave? I'm so looking forward to next weeks this weeks was...
  20. Exiled Angel

    What's your highest chain?

    Yea i've been meaning to do that one as well, just been lazy latly. Friend got up that high as well it's a good place. 90 on the sand people, they were easy to kill. So i explored every bit of it.