What did you name squall and rinoa?

Kakashi Hatake

Mar 8, 2007
Here, you say what you made Squall's and rinoa's names, or if you kept them the same, here are mine.

Squall: Simon (Mate)

Rinoa: Gab (first girl name that came up to my mind)
I kept all the characters names the same, i dont like changing the names lol prefere them to be the same as they were created, also makes it hard when your reading guides etc.
first time througth was Squall=ANDY yes it had caps as well, so it annoyed me a bit cause i felt like every person was shouting at me lolz. Rinoa I allways called Sara, but i'm not sure why at the moment. Though now when i play though i keep it too the same.
I must give a multiple answer because i finish the game many times and i changed the name every time! But mainly squall name was mine, Rinoa name was my fiancee name, the other characters were named as my friend and also Rinoa dog was named as the dog of my girlfriend!!!!
But the last time i finished it, i left the original name that i find pretty cool!!!lol
I named Squall GMAN... idk it prolly had some signifigance then... (i was 8)

and Rinoa was Rose because i had just seen titanic... and i named Angelo MOOSE after my dog
I named Squall after Me on my first playthrough - Mark and named Rinoa after my best friend - Becky....

but then i didnt play the game for a year and i had no idea what people were saying when they were talking about the plot so when i started again i kept thier names the same - it just makes more sense that way.
I've always kept them the same as well because quite frankly, I love their original names. :) Tends to be much simpler that way anyway. Besides, Zell and all the other party members get to keep their original name...so why not keep Squall and Rinoa the same?
I named

Squall:Leon (KH Serise)
Rinoa:Jordin (My GF)

But,I can't get any futher because my game is mest up so on my birthday I will buy a new one and probley restart.
It's a little odd I guess that you can only rename some of the characters in FFVIII, as opposed to say FFIX. I kept Squall and Rinoa the same, I tried playing FFIX once with different character names and it felt a bit odd, so since then I always stick to the originals.
I usually name the main character my name... >.>
Considering the amount of times I've played FFVIII..
Squall - Ian
Rinoa - Rinoa or some girl I probably liked..
I named Squall Leo, I don't exactly know why, but I think it was because of my Zodiac sign.

And I named Rinoa Tara, again I don't know why.
Squall: Barek
Rinoa: Adara

I named them after the two lead characters of my novel. That helped inspire some new characteristics into my own character. He's developed a stubborn streak. >.> And emo. God has he gone emo.
In my first game i named him afte me Danny and rinoa i named agter my girlfriend Sarah then after that i just kept the originals