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  1. Kajisake

    Which FFs would you classify as "dark?"

    obviously FF VI, VII, and VIII but i also think in a twisted way that XII and XIII are dark. they have a dark tone with good/light winning in the end as all the ffs do. but the other side is these games are also very much on the light side. they have a very deep sense and story of hope and light...
  2. Kajisake

    Favorite Designs of Summons/Monsters

    let's'd have to be Alexander from FFXIII. he finally has a more human-like appearance and then becomes a castle in his Gestalt mode. He's a classic summon with a very nice modern twist
  3. Kajisake

    Anyone play guitar?

    Favorite guitars- BC Rich Warlock NJ Deluxe. it looks and souns like a metal guitar and simply fits the sound and persona i play PRS Dragon series. honestly, do I need an explanation? Favorite guitarists- James Root (SlipKnoT) SlipKnoT is my favorite band and he has an...
  4. Kajisake

    YouTube Accounts
  5. Kajisake

    Things Final Fantasy characters wouldn't say

    Zidane: Garnet, I'm sorry but...I'm really gay. *rapes vivi* Vivi: HOLY FUCK! GET THIS FURRY OFF OF ME!
  6. Kajisake

    My xbox 360 broke! D: ROD

    it doesnt matter if the warranty expired or not, mail it back to microsoft and they'll still fix it before i forget, did those ffxii tips help at all?
  7. Kajisake

    My xbox 360 broke! D: ROD

    there are a few things to do... 1. turn it on and off a few times and if it still gets a red ring after about 3 tries it wont go away 2. if it doesnt turn back on and still gets a red ring you have to mail it to microsoft and they'll send a new one for free with all of your memory still there...
  8. Kajisake

    What's your favourite band?

    my all time favorite band, hands down, is SlipKnoT. regardless of what people say, SlipKnoT has stood up to angry MushroomHead fans (hate mushroomhead), people saying they're "fake metal", and the media posting them as scary they have continued to produce an incredible amount of hits...
  9. Kajisake

    Hi Im New!

    i shall not say welcome for that has been said too much. instead....wilkomen! :D
  10. Kajisake

    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

  11. Kajisake

    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

    HOORAY WE HAVE A WINNER! :D it was genesis all along! was that a bad riddle? DX im sorry!
  12. Kajisake

    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

    nope. it's an actual character. I'm tryin to be discrete in my hints sorry DX ummmm...another hint: best friend to an angel
  13. Kajisake

    Do you have homework today?

    I only got about 10 questions in math so I'm lucky. But I have yet to do it X3
  14. Kajisake

    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

    I didn't know hojo was a ref to the bible ._. but okay then! sorry, it's not. seph was the closest answer. another hint: biggest crisis ever in ff(insert lucky number here)
  15. Kajisake

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep formally announced for US summer release [3/16]

    great timing since ffxiii just came out so it gives se fans something to do while we wait
  16. Kajisake

    FFX-One word to describe each main character?

    Tidus: do I really need to say anything? Yuna: uhhhh...mind summoning a bit more to help us live? Lulu: boobs. 'nuf said Auron: hooray! a cool character! Rikku: needs to relax maybe Wakka: likes balls it seems Kimhari: I'm blue da-ba-dee-da-ba-dai! Seymour: trying to be as blue as Kimhari Jecht...
  17. Kajisake

    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

    nope. here's a hint: it's a reference to the bible. i know, crappy ref, but it works
  18. Kajisake

    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

    nope. too far away now
  19. Kajisake

    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

    nope. still close but gettin a bit farther away...
  20. Kajisake

    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

    my only fear is people will hate the answer >.> kinda hard to pick out i think