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  1. C

    Dark Aeons

    I done them all. And my friends said thats kinda good from a girl lol. Bahamut and Shiva were the hardest I think. It seemed that Shiva had haste implanted into her lol. But I just used Zanmato on them all. AS I had lots of money lol. As I've done over 300+ hours on that damn thing, fightinh and...
  2. C

    Your Al Bhed Name

    I can't believe this...XD My real name is Emma and its translated is... Assy Pronounced: "AH-see-seeae"
  3. C

    Hardest Boss in the Final Fantasy Series...

    I'd say Ruby and Sephy. For me FF7 was the first game I played and I didnt know how hard Sephy was. So I'm basing that on my first encounter but to me he's quite hard anyway.
  4. C

    Type with your eyes closed

    I'm at college so I've been taught how to touch type. lol. I do it loads. ~But sometimeds I can make mistakes.
  5. C

    Did anyone feel sick?

    lol Timblez. Agreed. I didn't feel sick, I didnt approve of the game. I am a fanatic FF fan and I wouldnt class this as a great game.
  6. C

    Final Fantasy For and Against

    Likes : I liked only one thing. That was the characters, well some of them. I liked Fran and Balthier. They were pretty cool and Ashe too. Dislikes: I disliked the licence board, there was no story that I could note of. The voices were'nt to my liking, the fact that you can't get the Zodiac...
  7. C

    eurovision oh god why??

    The current Eurovision was a dissapointment and I actually thought that GB would leave with no points. Bt Terry Wogan said that when Apocolyptica came on, said that the person that made the dresses should been shot, as shuld have the girl in the pink dress. If I had to choose a favourite I would...
  8. C

    I dont know how to deal with this situation

    The nest thing you can do is be a friend when someone needs one. When someone is down they need someone there to help them get back on theyre feet. If you just be a good friend and be there for him at this time and support him whatever happens then do so. Getting involved shouldn't even be on...
  9. C

    Best & Worsts Discussion

    I loved everything, except one thing. Lulu's sigil, having to dodge 200 lightning bolts was a kick in the backside. My eyes were starting to hurt and forgot that I didnt take a break lol. But everything else ot wicked.
  10. C

    Sephiroth or Goku?

    It's simple who wins? Sephiroth (FF7) of Goku (DBZ)? I cant choose myself! But i dont know. I reckon Sephy.
  11. C

    Name means

    Emma means ''The Universe'' of something O.O
  12. C

    all you have to do is say bump.

    BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP =) This fun! O.O LOL
  13. C

    Aeon's names

    I call mine after my friends. But I dont care either way. I've played FFX so much I know which one is which. Valefor - Steven (the funniest guy you will ever meet) Ifrit - Alex ( his cousin) Ixion - Jack (my brother) Shiva - Emma ( me ) Bahamut - Dan ( boyfriend) Anima - Richard (bestest mate in...
  14. C

    FF Ranking

    I have these as my favourites 1. 7 (Naturally.) 2. 10 3. 8
  15. C

    dreams involving final fantasy

    LOL. I had a weird dream once. I was facinated with CLoud and I was somehow attracted to him,so me, Tifa and Aeris were in a competition to see who would manage to get him first.We tried all sorts of things but nothing was doing, but we saw him go into an alley with a long haired woman, whom...
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    Did you Use A Guide?

    I didnt use a guide once. I wanted to see how much I could get first. Then used a guide. It's handy that way.
  17. C

    Which do YOU have?

    Mine are like your Saix, just above shoulder length. I love my hair when I can be bothered. But its an interesting question though.
  18. C

    Favorite Overdrive

    I like 2 of them I like Yuna's for the pure fact that its got OWNAGE written all over it, and BLitz Ace, for the pure fact that it deals soooooooooooooooo much damage like said before it rocks.
  19. C

    um Hi.

    Hehe =) I havent been here for long either. I like it lol XD
  20. C


    :S I dont know, like I said the internet can be a very un-relaiable source.