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  1. L

    What direction should Final Fantasy take now?

    They have to stop making games that are basically movies... During my run through of FF XIII all I did was run into constant battles and cut scenes that didn't mean much other then to show good graphics. I'm all for the amazing graphics and cut scenes and fights but I NEED a story that's good...
  2. L

    [V2] Last Movie You've Seen

    Jasckass 3 3D This movie had me laughing almost non stop :rofl: For the type of moving it was I give it a 8/10 The only reason why it didn't get a ten is because some parts were just straight out gross:sick:
  3. L

    Best Final Fantasy Game?

    Zidane is the man. You can't forget about Vivi though he's badass :smartass:
  4. L

    [V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

    I'm not playing any at the moment But I'm thinkin' about replaying FF IX or FF Tactics. Can't decide!:gonk:
  5. L

    [V5] What are you currently listening to?

    Running Away by Elliot Minor I actually discovered this band by listening to Pandora on my phone. I listened to their other songs but didn't like much of the others. Really recommend this song though.
  6. L

    Hey ! :)

    I'm new too bro! Join the party!:highfive:
  7. L

    How old were you when you played your first Final Fantasy?

    I was about 9 when I played FF IX which is my favorite one in the series still. I just got a PS1 and my friend and I would post up on my bed and switch controllers every battle :busta:. We pulled all nighters all the time. Good times.
  8. L

    Best Final Fantasy Game?

    FF IX hands down is the best game! 1. Amazing Cast of Characters 2. Amazing Story 3. Perfect Placement of Cut Scenes 4. Epic Music 5. Sweet Battles Nuff said. :awesome:
  9. L

    Should next FF gen bring back literally its roots?

    Haha thanks for the post and thanks for the welcome! I agree with basically everything you said :). Also I never heard of Dissidia I'll look it up.
  10. L

    Should next FF gen bring back literally its roots?

    Do you like the path FF is goin'? So I was just curious, who likes the way the new FF games are going? :confused: I played the most recent FF that came out on the console which was FF XIII and don't get me wrong I really enjoyed it, its just that I miss the old style of play. FF IX in my...