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  1. Ayen

    This is why we need MEN! :rage

    Awe don't feel bad. I have trouble killing some bugs too. I think I got them with that slam but then they just keep on moving! I had to pretty much crush one to death a couple of times to get it dead-dead.
  2. Ayen

    What does "Life" mean?

    Life is like a box of chocolate.
  3. Ayen

    This is why we need MEN! :rage

    I enjoy killing bugs.
  4. Ayen

    Ooh! I love your Sailor Mars images <3

    Ooh! I love your Sailor Mars images <3
  5. Ayen

    Are you addicted to Final Fantasy?

    I'm not addicted I could stop anytime I want :mokken: As it stands the FF titles I've played are Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII DoC, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy...
  6. Ayen

    Your favorite color

    I could dig it if accurate.
  7. Ayen

    :rage: WE DON'T NEED MEN! :rage:

    Hold on, going to go change my gender. Then all men can go die.
  8. Ayen

    Why is FFX hated by some people?

    Simple. There are 6.7 billion people in the world. Those 6.7 billion people have different opinions and tastes in thing that would affect how they view things, like video games. If all of those 6.7 billion people liked this game it would be dub the world's greatest video game. Hate may be too...
  9. Ayen

    Ooh Stella, nice choice. I have no idea what her character is like yet but I like her character...

    Ooh Stella, nice choice. I have no idea what her character is like yet but I like her character design.
  10. Ayen

    final fantasy macros : random time

    The Zell ones made me chuckle quite a bit.
  11. Ayen

    [04/04] Final Fantasy V Is Headed To Game Archives In Japan

    Ah. Final Fantasy V. First old school Final Fantasy game I played alongside VI. I liked the Pirate the best personally.
  12. Ayen

    [01/04] Takahashi: Dissidia “has its own challenges”

    Seriously... Why even bother with a story at this point if you're not going to try? Dissidia may as well be a generic fighting game with three selection on the main menu: Arcade Versus Options Now you can just focus on the gameplay however much you want. No Story Mode to hold you down...
  13. Ayen

    Are the cast of FF8 annoying or relastic?

    They're either not, or I must be more oblivious to what's right in front of me than I thought because I don't recall any of them ever coming off as whiny or annoying. Squall came off as emo to me at a time before I even fully understood what emo was but that never ruined my enjoyment of the...
  14. Ayen

    Lulu at the wedding scene

    I never really noticed Lulu either way during that part of the game. It still amuses me to this day, mainly the part with Seymour later when Yuna was nearing that ledge. Seymour: This is foolish. If you fall you'll die. It's not like you have a Summon or anything that could possibly save you...
  15. Ayen

    012: Duodecim Heroes, new and old - Thoughts on Dissidia 012 characters

    Yuna and Aerith are in it. I'm good.
  16. Ayen

    Spira's Hope - Lady Yuna Fanclub

    Sorry T.T Didn't mean to bail like that stuff just came up and I didn't have time for this place. Afraid I don't have the time to keep this going either.
  17. Ayen

    Frack you all

    This thread poses an interesting question :hmmm: If saying frak is swearing like a nerd then what do you become if you typo a nerd swear? =O Oh yeah and wb :awesome:
  18. Ayen

    sephiroth ruler of planet?

    I like Sephiroth better as a character than an overall villain. He started out as a good guy, had close friends like anybody else, a cool persona (So I can see why Cloud looked up to him so much back in the day) and then one day he has a fall from grace, a mental breakdown, mommy issues, gets...
  19. Ayen

    messages from god

    "Don't make me come down there." =D
  20. Ayen

    Nov 18th - Have sex with a man with a moustache day

    ............. Should have kept that moustache