012: Duodecim Heroes, new and old - Thoughts on Dissidia 012 characters


High Judge of the Seraph
Dec 19, 2010
United Kingdom
Well, now we are faced with the loomin release of Dissidia 012, merely just over a month from its japanese release. A lot of hype has been thrown around over the characters, but what are your thoughts of the characters, new and old?
I'm primarily a Cloud player myself (Smashing guards is fuuuuuuuuuuuun~♥), but I'm glad to see a few new characters. Gilgamesh, Lightning & Kain are my biggest faves.

Sharing first place normally with Cloud, is Cecil, who I love, character, game, moveset, everything. And, although he's the most complicated character I've used, I love Golbez too. So when the addition of Kain was announced...I came. (I'm not a fanboy, trust me XD)

I'll be proud to move away from Cloud & more towards the characters of FF4, Cecil & Kain mostly. What are your thoughts on the new characters?
None of the new Characters impress me, I so far haven't seen any limits be pressed and honestly I think the character group this time around is an opposite of improvement when compared to the first.

The only when who gives me a sense of fresh player is Yuna, it'll be interesting to play a character who uses a rod instead of typical harpoons, swords etc.

And Tifa despite being a fighter, I think, will stand no chance against long distance players, I can't imagine how annoying it will be to play someone who uses fists ;)
None of the new Characters impress me, I so far haven't seen any limits be pressed and honestly I think the character group this time around is an opposite of improvement when compared to the first.

The only when who gives me a sense of fresh player is Yuna, it'll be interesting to play a character who uses a rod instead of typical harpoons, swords etc.

And Tifa despite being a fighter, I think, will stand no chance against long distance players, I can't imagine how annoying it will be to play someone who uses fists ;)

Well, I've seen the gameplay of Laguna, Lightning, Tifa & Vaan. Tifa actually looks really well made. She has really long reach 8D

Lightning seems overly complicated, but will likely work.

Yuna annoys me. They'd better do a good job with her, because I honestly believe Auron was a better choice.

I think that there have been a few limits pushed, especially with arenas, but Square have deliberately nerfed a lot.
I'm actually really happy with these characters so far, and this is even if this list seems to be the final and complete list of new characters.

What annoyed me a bit with the first Dissidia was that we were only allowed to play as the main heroes and main villains from the FF games, and in many cases the more interesting characters for me were the supporting characters for each respective game, and not the main character him / herself.

I'm glad that in this game we are getting a lot of supporting characters, and many that are interesting choices which I did not expect (Laguna was a surprise, for example).

I'm particularly glad for Gilgamesh. He's a favourite character of mine, so I'm over the moon that he's confirmed for this one.
I'm excited to play as Lightning and Yuna- because they are serious kick ass girls, and you know it. But also because I like the elegance they bring to the battle field.... and without really even trying
I'm actually really happy with these characters so far, and this is even if this list seems to be the final and complete list of new characters.

What annoyed me a bit with the first Dissidia was that we were only allowed to play as the main heroes and main villains from the FF games, and in many cases the more interesting characters for me were the supporting characters for each respective game, and not the main character him / herself.

I'm glad that in this game we are getting a lot of supporting characters, and many that are interesting choices which I did not expect (Laguna was a surprise, for example).

I'm particularly glad for Gilgamesh. He's a favourite character of mine, so I'm over the moon that he's confirmed for this one.

I have to agree here. I'm really happy with the characters. Although, Yuna I don't approve of yet. Maybe its just me, but I was really hoping for Auron. I'm glad for Kain as well. I'd actually be really fond to hear his voice actor in non-chibi form.

Lightning & Gilgamesh are also hopeful greay characters for me.

But seriously, I doubt it'll happen...but if Noctis isn't in there, I will flip XD

I'm excited to play as Lightning and Yuna- because they are serious kick ass girls, and you know it. But also because I like the elegance they bring to the battle field.... and without really even trying

Lightning, yes, but Yuna, I'm unsure of her. Mostly cos I wanted Auron XD

Well, Lightning is a character I anticipate greatly.
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I'm kind of disappointed and happy with the new characters at the same time. I'm upset that there's no new FF6 and FF9 characters, and I'm going to get red marked and hated for saying this, but.... I'm not a huge fan of Yuna or Lighting...

... (closes eyes )...

I'm still alive ?

I'm even more angry that Yuna has taken what Princess Garnet could of had. Garnet is my favourite most favourist favourite character in the whole entire Final Fantasy series, and I'm heartbroken that she'll may not get a place in Dissidia now, because her abilities are so alike Yuna's being a summoner. So I'm a little sad over that.

Though I'm happy with Cain, Tifa, and Laguna. And Aerith would be awesome too if she gets added in. I'll be a little bit angry that FF7 will get more characters and FF6 and FF9 will be ignored though.

I may be in a bit of a emo mood. But I think leveling it up I'm disappointed. Gilgamesh is cool and all, but I was kind of hoping, really hoping for some Fairs.

I'm kind of disappointed and happy with the new characters at the same time. I'm upset that there's no new FF6 and FF9 characters, and I'm going to get red marked and hated for saying this, but.... I'm not a huge fan of Yuna or Lighting...

You're not the only one. :monster:

I hope they do include more characters from IX and VI. I would definitely like to see either Beatrix or Vivi in the next Dissidia. From VI? I'm not exactly sure who would be the best choice. Celes, maybe?
I'm kind of disappointed and happy with the new characters at the same time. I'm upset that there's no new FF6 and FF9 characters, and I'm going to get red marked and hated for saying this, but.... I'm not a huge fan of Yuna or Lighting...

... (closes eyes )...

I'm still alive ?

I'm even more angry that Yuna has taken what Princess Garnet could of had. Garnet is my favourite most favourist favourite character in the whole entire Final Fantasy series, and I'm heartbroken that she'll may not get a place in Dissidia now, because her abilities are so alike Yuna's being a summoner. So I'm a little sad over that.

Though I'm happy with Cain, Tifa, and Laguna. And Aerith would be awesome too if she gets added in. I'll be a little bit angry that FF7 will get more characters and FF6 and FF9 will be ignored though.

I may be in a bit of a emo mood. But I think leveling it up I'm disappointed. Gilgamesh is cool and all, but I was kind of hoping, really hoping for some Fairs.

I abstain on XIs behalf, seeing as I haven't even played the game yet, but 6 I'm not all that sure of. I mean, I think that Sabin, Celes & Shadow would fit right in, but, this probably being my dislike of 6 talking, but I think they're pretty boring.

I'm dissappointed about Yuna too. I feel that Auron would've been much better placed. And Yuna would've gone much better with something like the dressphere system, with her EX Mode form as Floral Fallal. And thats something if I'm suggesting this, seeing as 10-2 is me least favourite FF game to date.

I'm not all that big on Lightning either, but having played the Dissidia 012 demo, I can safely say, she works perfectly. She's unique & her stats are good. And the fact that she ISN'T a female Cloud made her even more engagable.
I've been doing my happy dance for months to see Kain's going to be in Dissidia 012!

Lightning, Tifa and Yuna I'm not terrible fussed about, but Laguna's adorable and having Aerith as a support character makes me squeal with joy! I hope she's playable in the third one!
I've been doing my happy dance for months to see Kain's going to be in Dissidia 012!

Lightning, Tifa and Yuna I'm not terrible fussed about, but Laguna's adorable and having Aerith as a support character makes me squeal with joy! I hope she's playable in the third one!

I frequent both the demo & Dissidia forums. Neither have showed any signs of Yuna being a character.

Personally, I'm not fussed about Laguna or Yuna. I love Lightning & Kain tho, even if Kain is slightly awkward to use.

Actually, I found that unless you dodge forwards at just the right time, you will be splattered by CPU Kain.

And don't get me started on Kefka & Golbez. They were already decent characters to fight, but jeez, they're reeeeally tough now.
I frequent both the demo & Dissidia forums. Neither have showed any signs of Yuna being a character.

What are you talking about? She was already revealed as a playable character. Unless I'm misunderstanding you.


Haven't you been following it? If you frequent Dissidia forums, surely you would have seen SOMETHING about Yuna being playable sometime over the past few weeks. The only reason there isn't much about her now is because now we are waiting for Prishe and Gilgamesh.
What are you talking about? She was already revealed as a playable character. Unless I'm misunderstanding you.


Haven't you been following it? If you frequent Dissidia forums, surely you would have seen SOMETHING about Yuna being playable sometime over the past few weeks. The only reason there isn't much about her now is because now we are waiting for Prishe and Gilgamesh.

Woah! XD Cool your horses jephrow, that was a mistake of mine, I meant Aerith. I had no idea at the time XD
I know people are going to rage at me for saying this, but to be honest, none of the new characters excite me. Neither Lightning, Tifa or Laguna interest me and Vaan is just....uggh. Kain is cool, but i'm not all that excited about him either.
The only new character i'm physched about is Yuna. Playing as a summoner is going to be awesome and her story looks very interesting.
I know people are going to rage at me for saying this, but to be honest, none of the new characters excite me. Neither Lightning, Tifa or Laguna interest me and Vaan is just....uggh. Kain is cool, but i'm not all that excited about him either.
The only new character i'm physched about is Yuna. Playing as a summoner is going to be awesome and her story looks very interesting.

No, not really XD

Kain dissappointed me slightly in Prologus
Laguna & Prishe I haven't heard of.
Yuna annoys me, frankly X3
Tifa is...meh.

Whereas Lightning & Vaan are my more looked forward to.

Oh, Gilgamesh is going to be sweet tho, don't ye think? Ya can't deny that.
Gilgamesh will defo be my main character when i get the game!

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Wow, I really wanted this game, it's so awesome!!
My favorite is Lightning, COD, Cloud, Gilgamesh and Prishe.
Well, now that the game is out, I can definitely say that I officially have a few characters that I love playing as. They are:


I don't have much to say about them though, since I don't even know where to begin. However, Gilgamesh's randomness isn't as bad as I was expecting. I seem to get Chicken Knife quite often though.

As far as the other 3 new characters (not counting Feral Chaos...since I don't have him yet), Tifa and Prishe are ok so far, haven't used them much though.

Yuna's concept is neat, but I don't particularly enjoy playing as her. Maybe if I play with her a bit more, that may change though.
hmmm out of the new characters it's vann, tifa and yuna right now.. but I haven't played with prishe and gilgamesh yet :)