Search results

  1. Ayen

    Fem Boys

    I don't really care all that much. I mean I watch Anime, I see girly looking men all the time, it's nothing new to me. The only time it starts to get creepy is when a female is based on said girly looking man and the more and more you look at her, the more and more she looks like the girly...
  2. Ayen

    I just realized today...

    You can be a sit on your arse type person at work too. Data jobs ftw! 8D
  3. Ayen

    Aerith or Tifa?

    Since it's being debated here I thought this piece was interesting: "We knew even in the early concept stage that one character would have to die. But we only had three to choose from. I mean, Cloud's the main character, so you can't really kill him. And Barret... well, that's maybe too...
  4. Ayen

    I just realized today...

    Nobody can live on three hundred bucks. I'm going to have to get a job :sad3:
  5. Ayen

    Is FFXIV Really that Disappointing?

    You have to take what the reviewers say with a grain of salt really. One review I heard about from my brother said something along the lines of people were expecting this game to play like WoW. WoW, being a very easy game which basically carries your hand through the entire thing, having...
  6. Ayen

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    I think voice acting wise they would want to get the same people who worked on the movie, with maybe the exception of the VA for Aerith. I think for Aerith they would want the girl who voiced her in Crisis Core since her performance was the best received out of the three Voice Actors the...
  7. Ayen

    Nintendo Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright Game

    I'm a huge Phoenix Wright fan (It's actually the sole reason I paid for a Nintendo DS in the first place) and I'm still trying to find the other Phoenix Wright games so I can play them too. However I never heard of this other series before...
  8. Ayen

    Which FF games "haven't" you played?

    ^.^ You have people telling you you're missing out by not playing IV too? That's what I've been told when I said I haven't played IV yet. Funny, before this site I never heard anybody talk about IV. You're not really missing out on much with Crystal Chronicles to be honest. I mean I thought...
  9. Ayen

    XBox Left 4 Dead

    I bought the game for my XBOX360 some time last year but never actually got around to playing it. I guess you could say it was -puts on shades- Left 4 Dead :busta: YEEEEEEAAAAAAAH! **** Seriously though I've heard nothing but good things both about the first one and the sequel, I just never...
  10. Ayen

    Guess what

    There you have it, folks. You can get away with all the plot holes imaginable in today's Movies as long as you have enough special effects to distract the crowd for two hours.
  11. Ayen

    'Tis Sexy

    I like him in Supernatural :sad3: I forgot he was in Dark Angel =X I remember him guest starring in Smallville a couple of years ago too, not too long before the debut of Supernatural.
  12. Ayen

    Guess what

    -distracts you with special effects-
  13. Ayen

    stalking fff peepls on facebuk

    I was stalked on FaceBook by somebody who shall remained unnamed >.> Mainly because I can't remember their name right now :sad3:
  14. Ayen

    Guess what

    I was frozen today! :gasp:
  15. Ayen

    I've seen some things man

    Made perfect sense to me :wacky:
  16. Ayen


    I lol'd hard. My turn! ScrewtherulesIhaveMoney | Not enough I'm afraid. :giggle: (Ayen) No that is not taken from a real ban log. I wish though :sad3:
  17. Ayen

    I've seen some things man

    Too late man, here comes the game over screen!
  18. Ayen

    'Tis Sexy

    He likes to kill Hellhounds in his spare time. -nods-
  19. Ayen

    I've seen some things man

    This is a bug hunt! Game over man, game over!
  20. Ayen

    Congratulations me!

    I don't have kickass computer speakers to blow. I think my mouse is broken though, I can't drag anything downward like I used to. Blah.