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  1. Morrigan

    FF began to suck balls? yes no?

    Well,I wouldn't say so.You can't expect it to always stay the same. They're looking to attract new fans so significant changes must be done and thus it should "evolve". I believe FF started changing after X and there's no going back.Be it FFXIII,versus or even XIV.They might be good but they'll...
  2. Morrigan

    A world without final fantasy?

    So if it never existed then...we wouldn't have to fight over who's more badass,Cloud or Sephiroh? Or the other great argument.Who did Cloud really love?Tifa or Aeris?This forum wouldn't exist either or any other forum dedicated to FF.It's kinda sad but we wouldn't know what we're missing. For...
  3. Morrigan

    Dirge of Cerberus Dirge of cerberus movie.. mayby.

    Let's find the reason why the game was created in the first place.Oh yeah,cause he didn't get enough screentime in the original game and later in the movie.I don't really see what DoC has to offer the gamer,mainly plot,cause they've altered it.The put new characters and in the end...
  4. Morrigan

    Cloud is not depressed??

    No one said he wasn't sad,we just didn't get to see the scene where his mother died.That's all. So we can't blame him for something we don't know,it'd be pointless. We really don't get much information on her except for his memories.He rarely even refers to her.Maybe it could be the result of...
  5. Morrigan

    FF7 - over-rated or under-rated?

    I don't think it's overrated.Might have been in the past but not anymore. Why?Cause graphics,gameplay and everything changed.So people don't play old games for those reasons.It ends up being underrated now. It's one of the few games that made me enjoy it so much and caused me so many feelings...
  6. Morrigan

    When you think about the Character from FFVII

    I think of them as in the game.I got to get connected with them pretty well. To be honest I firstly watched the movie and after liking it so much(mainly for its battles and the complicated story I didn't understand so much) I decided to play the game. Then I realized how different the characters...
  7. Morrigan

    Did Cloud ever go to school?

    Maybe...maybe not. We don't have evidence on this one unfortunately,but I'm guessing he did get some kind of education.I'd probably think that SOLDIER offers some as well,like the places where they have mako reactors,or the monsters they face.Something like geography and information on what...
  8. Morrigan

    Crazed Twilight fans 'slice open necks'

    It's really sad to see that they can't leave a celebrity alone.Such obsession...for now. Has anybody thought what would happen if he got a girlfriend and he introduced her?The fans probably would try to kill her.Really I don't understand their obsession with all the Twilight saga.It's so fake...
  9. Morrigan

    The Madonna Effect

    She can do whatever she wants.Non of my bussiness and I don't really care,although her attitude gets on my nerves cause she has a really big idea about herself.I think she has the appropriate body to dress the way she does and no one has discouraged her from doing so,actually she's getting lots...
  10. Morrigan

    Girl Raped

    This is so shocking!It seems like today everyone's out of their mind and no one cares about it.Seriously...can a person be so insensitive?I bet the girl was screaming and crying during that,yet no one reacted? But that's what you get when we have the TV with all kinds of movies and then the...
  11. Morrigan


    I ahve a thing with grammar,I hate when people kill it.Sure...I'm no better but I'd appreciate it if they'd put a bit more effort in checking it from time to time.Wouldn't hurt. Well,I've come across another annoying way of typing: "HoW ArE YoU DoInG?" I really can't take this.It actually makes...
  12. Morrigan

    Something I find typically annoying with atheists.

    I consider myself Christian,and no when I say Christian don't get the idea of a person who goes to Church every Sunday,who dresses conservative(although I do but for different reasons) and whatever is "associated" with Christianity.I myself am,and the way I want.I won't force it on any one,my...
  13. Morrigan


    Personally I don't think I've ever been discriminated,except if I'm missing something.Me and my family are immigrants.We moved to another country for a better life,although I do have roots of the country I'm currently living in.The country where I was born in is kinda infamous from an incident...
  14. Morrigan

    Any plans for tonight?

    Not really...I have class at 5 pm and I get back at 7 pm.Till then it's gotten pretty dark.But who knows,maybe somethung might come up,although I wish not.Would prefer to devote my free time to something else today.
  15. Morrigan

    When did your life suck most?

    It's suching at the moment.Wow,how unexpected...Actually it started sucking 3 years ago and still does.Must be cause I'm still a teenager and I'm in the process of finding my identity and blah-blah.Wish it was only this,but it's mostly cause of my family problems.I fight a lot with my...
  16. Morrigan

    MySpace/Facebook/Gaia Online Links

    My facebook(it wasn't supposed to be for a serious purpose so the name is kinda...)
  17. Morrigan

    *TOKYOsweets design

    Oh cool,because I do want to request. Size:400 x 100 Pic: Color Scheme:Not certain,whatever you feel like it Text:Vanilla
  18. Morrigan

    If life were more like Final Fantasy...

    Gah...I'm in a lazy mood,sorry for not reading the previous pages. We'd mistaken people with other people we met in other towns,xD. Everyone has a look alike it seems.
  19. Morrigan

    If life were more like Final Fantasy...

    Oh I'm sorry,I didn't noticed. We wouldn't have to change clothes,they never get dirty nor they get ruined or smelly.xD