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  1. Yaoi Master Gavin

    We Would be Better off without Religion

    Now maybe I posted in this a long time ago, but honestly, I don't care to find out, mostly because our views, as humanity goes, are always changing - if they weren't well, we've fucked up the general purpose of life then haven't we? I'll reflect back on a statement my father made to me a long...
  2. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Let's Play Amnesia the Dark Descent Part One: The One in Which we Make a Lot of Sex Jokes

    So I started this awhile back and finally reminded myself to make a thread in here about my friend and I playing the first Amnesia.
  3. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Final Fantasy Summon Elimination!!

    Shiva - 6 (-2) Bahamut - 17 Alexander -10 Odin - 12 Phoenix - 19 Dead: Ifrit Ramuh Carbuncle Leviathan
  4. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Anyone here playing this game right now? If so, why?

    Too bad; you had it right the first time. Your sort of lackluster argumentation is indicative of an immature little boy who might as well be sticking his tongue out because he didn't get his way. If you actually took the time to understand other people (don't say you do; you clearly don't)...
  5. Yaoi Master Gavin

    How much should your company/people in general you work for respect your internet privacy?

    Unless there's something in the contract/whatever you signed when you were hired or when it got renewed over the course of your work because you work in public relation etc., your workplace has absolutely no business being on your social media whatsoever. Personally, I've never been able to get...
  6. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Suggestion Colored Usernames for Veterans

    006666 33CC99 006699 Those are my picks.
  7. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Suggestion Colored Usernames for Veterans

    I say we use teal or classic eyerape blue.
  8. Yaoi Master Gavin

    What are the "true" hang ups of 12.

    I'll tell you right now that one of the majour hangups of FFXII was the entire setting. I picked up FFXII after I played FFTAdvance and if you've read any of my posts on FFTAdvance, then you know that I think that that game is a load of utter shit and that how dare it have the audacity to call...
  9. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Anyone here playing this game right now? If so, why?

    You're doing it wrong if you complain about things that can be remedied by your own effort and understanding, both of which you seem to have never given the game. You call me overdramatic because I use examples and that's absurd; though coming from a boy who uses no proof at all it hardly...
  10. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Anyone here playing this game right now? If so, why?

    Well clearly you're doing it wrong Ultimaja. Anyone who understands the system well knows that you can get by in the game with maybe a sum total of one hour of drawing, two if you're a completionist or power gamer (based on the advertised fifty hour gameplay average not including sidequests)...
  11. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Anyone here playing this game right now? If so, why?

    Oh certainly. FFVI's esper system was amazing - I really liked the idea of learning spells from your summons. And the original and WotL FFTactics had awesome job systems.
  12. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Does God punish masturbation?

    Again, no. The actual word they used to call each other was brethren which is used over 500 times in the bible whereas brother in the sense you mean was used less than 50 times; the other three hundred times it is used is to mean blood relation. The actual word used is zâkâr which has three...
  13. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Anyone here playing this game right now? If so, why?

    I found the junction system to be a magnificent improvement over the materia system. The junction system required actual intelligence to be doing well and strategy to know when to use spells since they directly impacted your stats. In doing that they also removed grinding as a way to overpower...
  14. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Does God punish masturbation?

    From out thine arse thy pull lies. Were it not 3AM, I'd be more than happy to get my rabbi roommate who would be more than happy to tell you that the earliest works we have of Leviticus do in fact have it as meaning 'brother' and not 'man'. As for the books being examined by congregations, the...
  15. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Does God punish masturbation?

    Actually, homosexuality as an abomination is not self-evident unless you subscribe to a very backwards version of Christianity. There are supposedly only 4 verses ascribed to deal directly with homosexuality and another 5-6 that can refer to it it you connect 6 degrees of whatever. Of the...
  16. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Final Fantasy Summon Elimination!!

    Shiva - 6 (-2) Bahamut - 15 Alexander -12 Odin - 14 Phoenix - 18 Leviathan – 1 Dead: Ifrit Ramuh Carbuncle
  17. Yaoi Master Gavin

    [SU/D] Arcane Machina: A Broken World

    Okies, I'll restrain myself.
  18. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Final Fantasy Summon Elimination!!

    Shiva - 6 (-2) Bahamut - 14 Alexander -12 Odin - 12 Phoenix - 17 Leviathan – 5 Dead: Ifrit Ramuh Carbuncle
  19. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Final Fantasy Summon Elimination!!

    On tablet right nao. -2 to shiva
  20. Yaoi Master Gavin

    Final Fantasy Summon Elimination!!

    Shiva - 8 (-2) Bahamut - 14 Alexander -12 Odin - 12 Phoenix - 15 Leviathan – 9 Dead: Ifrit, Ramuh, and Carbuncle.