I agree with this statement completely. I mean, with each new game, they add too many more questions, and not enough questions are being answered, or promised to be answered.
Oh, shoot, I meant that I didn't want Serah to become useless like the last game...
Lol, Snow isn't the jealous type? That's really disappointing. Would've loved to see him confront Noël, and they getting beat up.
Honestly don't know. Even though Snow annoys me with the whole Hero speech all the time, he can be super sweet. i mean, a ride through the fireworks? He is relentless too, which can be nice. There is also the fact that we don't know much about Noël that well yet. He can turn out to be a total...
That sucks about not hearing about the games most people want to hear about, you know? I myself, didn't really like the line-up either. Maybe something good will happen soon though?
Over 150 monsters to catch and train? Man, I gotta catch 'em all!
With each new piece of information about this game, I become increasingly confused about it. Like I said before- it's a mess.
There really shouldn't ever be DLC ever. Whoever invented it should be punched in the face multiple times.
Multiple endings could be interesting though. And Serah had a few years to grow up. Maybe she is impending awesome.
I wish the DLC came out sooner in the US. Now that all the hype has died down for FF: Dissidia 012, I don't really care about spending money on outfits. Or the music. Now, if it were free...
It's going to be weird to see Serah fighting... In the last game, people complained that she looked 12.
I wonder what other characters will return to this game. I actually want to see what Hope looks like now. (One of the few who likes him.)
VACUUM CLEANER. I freaking HATE this noise. It makes me want to destroy.
Absolute silence. I know it's not a sound, per se. But it bothers me.
someone smacking their lips when they eat. This is not only gross, it's annoying.
Well, yeah I cried at the ending. I cried because I hate when the main character and the love interest don't get to have their happily ever after. I'm disney that way.
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