Larry Bundy Jr
Channel Awesome
Yeah, these are my favourites. There are probably more, because I spend a lot of time on YouTube, although a lot of the daytime stuff is usually family friendly. Ah, who am I kidding? It's Little Baby Bum and any channel...
OK, I LOVE the Psychic Dressphere. It looks so cool. I've seen pictures of it before, but I'd never seen it in action.
I haven't tried the Creature thing yet, I like fighting with YRP :D
Hmm...I dunno. I mean when I was telling my boyfriend about it earlier, he suggested that the Japanese voices are hiding in the coding somewhere.
I first noticed it when I changed to the Songstress dressphere in Yuna's first battle- as she landed after her change, she said something in... X-2 isn't broken as such, but Yuna does keep speaking Japanese in battle. Is this meant to happen, or is my game glitching?
She says things in Japanese instead of English occasionally when beginning/ending a battle, or when changing Dresspheres...
My friend once put a gardening fork through my foot. By accident, we were digging up the garden and I was shouting at my brother for smashing up the path with a pickaxe. Next thing, immense pain. The fork bounced back against the rubber of my trainers, but it'd gone through my middle toe...
Could you call Game and ask them? (Was it Game?) I mean, it might save you a trip at least if you can get an answer out of them.
I got mine out of the catelogue. It's meant to arrive on Friday. Some time between 8am and 10pm. They usually come around lunchtime when I order from them. I hope it...
I never got the chance to play any other versions of IV, only the DS version, so unlike the above poster, I have nothing to compare it to. However, I do think that it's a pretty difficult game at times, although I really love it
Firstly, people are OK with this game, and are giving it good reviews because they liked it. I'm not keen on the way that you are irritated about people giving the game good reviews, because it's all about opinion and taste, everyone has a different taste in things, and I feel that you should be...
I love the whole area between the Golmore Jungle and Giruvegan, especially Eruyt Village. I find the area very well designed. I love the dark green of the Golmore Jungle, the calm mutedness of Eruyt (how do you pronounce that, incidentally?) and the snowy danger of the Feywood
No, I've never really gone that far past Cosmo Canyon- still on the scrubland around it- I was just asking because all of the walkthroughs I've read state that you can't even drive up to Cosmo Canyon because the buggy will break down, but I've always driven right up to the front door, as it were.
I have a quick question:
All of the walkthroughs I have read for the game state that you can't drive right up to Cosmo Canyon with the buggy because it'll break down. Mine has never broken down, and I don't understand why. I'm glad it hasn't, but it's always confused me. I'm playing the version...
OK- so the costumes are part of a job system? If so, excellent, if not what's the point? I actually think this looks kinda good though.
And who cares about people asking questions about sexy armpits and Lightning's bigger boobs? That's just to cause a fuss. You can just as easily ignore it.
There hasn't been a FF game that I haven't loved the music, so it's very difficult for me to decide. I'm torn between a few (VIII, IX and X I think)
I love all three of those, but I think the best piece of music from any FF game is The City That Never Sleeps, so I'm gonna have to go for FFIX.
I rotate between a few- if I get annoyed with one, I switch it off and leave it for a while, playing another instead.
At the moment it's FFVIII, FFXII and FFXIII-2
I think that my least favourite is II. I've got it on my phone, and I think it's really awkward. Difficult to level up, not really clear on what you need to do, so many secret passageways that you have to know where they are to find them, or else you end up walking into walls everywhere and...
At the moment, I've got to say either Fran from FFXII, because she's really cool and I think she's a great fighter, or Vanille from XIII, because I think she's really sweet, and struggles quite a bit because of her guilt. They both also wear outfits that I love.
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