Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster - March 18th Countdown and Celebration!

Im a little past halfway the third disk of Final Fantasy 9 i believe so I plan on powering through at least disk 3 tonight. Then tomorrow wake up finish it and then go pick up Final Fantasy X!! Being a life long FF fan I cant believe I never even tried to give this game a chance but starting tomorrow night that is changing!! I'm so excited to experience this classic for the very first time and in HD. I will give my thoughts as a new FFX once I get a few hours into it.

Prepare to have your mind blown in high definition! After you've finished it, it's probably worth checking out the game's original OST, some people think it's better, while others don't. :)
I like the original battle theme myself... though the HD upgrade is blowing me away! I just got to the Kilika Temple... all the nostalgia is kind of nice :)
Woop woop, I've made it to the Mi'hen Highroad Inn/Shop! Actually won that blitzball tourney in Luca and got the trophy and I think my stats are going pretty well. The leveling has started taking a bit too long on the highroad so I've stopped grinding. Chocobo Eater incoming!

Loving this game so much :lew:.
:D I did some early grinding of sinspawn on the S.S.Liki (or whatever it's called) on the way to Kilika and that did me until the Mushroom Rock Road where enemies started getting tougher again. Got Yuna on Auron's path, Kimarhi on his way to get steal and use and then onto Yuna's grid, Wakka on Tidus' grid and Tidus on his way to Aurons :D going good so far, Lulu's also half white mage, half black mage! I have been abusing cheer like crazy this time, I never really realised just how awesome it is.
I just now finished downloading FFX so for the first time I'm about to dive into this new FF world!! I'm still working on prepping for the final dungeon in 9 but I plan on playing X for a few hours tonight to give myself a little breather from grinding in 9.

I really didnt have the extra cash to buy it but I couldn't help myself and i clicked the proceed to checkout without even thinking about it then let it download all night. Here it goes FFX time for me!!
YES! I got my copy replaced and can now play FF X-2!
YES! I did get tears in my eyes when the real Yuna met up with Rikku and Paine at the start.
YES! Having them stop Yuna from falling off a tall building on the first (Although technically it's second isn't it?) mission and seeing her legs and arse swaying in front of the camera made me think "Oh THAT'S why they wanted an HD remaster!) :awesome:

But the Festival Dressphere and the Fiend traps. It's been so long since I've played it, but are they new things? Or where they there from the start.

I can finally get back into X-2! Thank you software developers!
YES! I got my copy replaced and can now play FF X-2!
YES! I did get tears in my eyes when the real Yuna met up with Rikku and Paine at the start.
YES! Having them stop Yuna from falling off a tall building on the first (Although technically it's second isn't it?) mission and seeing her legs and arse swaying in front of the camera made me think "Oh THAT'S why they wanted an HD remaster!) :awesome:

But the Festival Dressphere and the Fiend traps. It's been so long since I've played it, but are they new things? Or where they there from the start.

I can finally get back into X-2! Thank you software developers!

Yup, International version.
OK, I LOVE the Psychic Dressphere. It looks so cool. I've seen pictures of it before, but I'd never seen it in action.

I haven't tried the Creature thing yet, I like fighting with YRP :D
:gonk: I just reached the calm lands and I'm trying to get Tidus' Sigil. I have never hated a game more in my life than this freaking chocobo race!
I'm at that soppy scene in macalania woods now. Looking forward to the calm lands so much...leaving all the sigils and stuff until I can go anywhere on the airship. No Encounters will help hugely with all this stuff.
I am fortunate to be playing FFIX and now a remastered FFX for the first time. I just recently had the chance to play this and pretty much for the last 6 hours straight I have been playing this damn game non stop today. I just fought the chocobo monster and I'm loving the game so far. I like the little change to the battle system with having the ability to swap party members in battle. The story has always been good so far and the voice acting is not as bad as I expected from reading reviews. The only scene where I despised it was during the Tidus and Yuna laughing scene. Other than that so far so good, now it's time to get back to the game!! Oh and also really enjoying blitzball too a very fun side game that I suck at so far :(
I am fortunate to be playing FFIX and now a remastered FFX for the first time. I just recently had the chance to play this and pretty much for the last 6 hours straight I have been playing this damn game non stop today. I just fought the chocobo monster and I'm loving the game so far. I like the little change to the battle system with having the ability to swap party members in battle. The story has always been good so far and the voice acting is not as bad as I expected from reading reviews. The only scene where I despised it was during the Tidus and Yuna laughing scene. Other than that so far so good, now it's time to get back to the game!! Oh and also really enjoying blitzball too a very fun side game that I suck at so far :(

hahaha everyone cringes at the laughing scene. Though on the side note for your blitz playing time, I would wait to play later in the story. The reason being is the longer you wait gives you more time to recruit people without the game picking up people for other teams. Which in turn helps you get more decent people on your team and could help you out in the long run.
I'm glad everyone is enjoying the game lol. I started the thread and I'm not even playing it yet lol. Part of me wants to break away from my procedure of going through I-IX and play X right now. But since this is my first time playing I-VI,
I shall not deviate. I am currently on V having already beaten I-IV. Please feel free to rub it in my face. :P
Well, I haven't played any of the older ones. Just 7, 10, and 13. So it's pretty cool of you to go back and do it! Though you'll really appreciate getting back to FFX. I've yet to play the international version, and am pretty excited to do all the extra missions!
Well, I haven't played any of the older ones. Just 7, 10, and 13. So it's pretty cool of you to go back and do it! Though you'll really appreciate getting back to FFX. I've yet to play the international version, and am pretty excited to do all the extra missions!

I don't know if your interested in VIII or IX but I would give those a play through. I have yet to play the international version too so I'm looking forward to it.
I'm glad everyone is enjoying the game lol. I started the thread and I'm not even playing it yet lol. Part of me wants to break away from my procedure of going through I-IX and play X right now. But since this is my first time playing I-VI,
I shall not deviate. I am currently on V having already beaten I-IV. Please feel free to rub it in my face. :P

Well I'm actually playing V and X at the same time since I've never beat either game. Im around 22 hours into X and about 8 hours into V so for me its fun to switch back and forth from the job sytem to the sphere grid system. I know I've already kind of messed up my grid i'm still winning fights so all is well!! No doubt in my mind I think X may be in my top 5 FF games. Oh and how can I forget these amazing cut scenes in HD are amazing especially when you first enter the Far planes (I hope I got that right) it just captivates me. X-2 isn't broken as such, but Yuna does keep speaking Japanese in battle. Is this meant to happen, or is my game glitching?

She says things in Japanese instead of English occasionally when beginning/ending a battle, or when changing Dresspheres...

This is happening too. I'm not sure if it's a glitch or if they did it on purpose.