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  1. nomad

    Poetry Sorry

    This is called an acrostic poem. You did it correctly. I don't have much to say about the content or style. Good job.
  2. nomad

    Poetry Meter School

    If you want to learn more about rhetoric, it's best to start with the classics. Try reading Gorgias by Plato. If that's too difficult, just try to find a decent introductory book on the subject (I'm sure there are tens of thousands). Meter is the rhythmic structure in a poem. It can be broken...
  3. nomad

    Poetry Meter School

    Rhetoric is basically the style of speech you use to make a point. It doesn't refer to any one style, really, but in general use, it's just the persuasive tactics you employ in speech or writing. It's also kind of an insult when someone calls your speech "rhetoric," as it dismisses your points...
  4. nomad

    nomad for love

    That is a very real and frightening possibility. Go ahead and ask me anything you want to know about me.
  5. nomad

    nomad for love

    I joined about a week ago and don't feel welcome yet. Help.
  6. nomad

    Poetry Raindrops on blood red roses

    You have the idea of symbolizing things right. You make it really clear that light is hope. A little too clear, actually. Try to be more subtle than saying "the light that is hope" and "the light of hope." But you need to take your metaphors to the next level. Try to work with concrete objects...
  7. nomad

    Poetry To Feel It Pound

    This is a rondeau I wrote for a contest last year. I added extra internal rhymes halfway through some of the lines. To Feel It Pound I hold my heart when thunder claps, I hold it when the courier raps Upon my door — to feel the beat It often hides — it drums so sweet And then subsides to...
  8. nomad

    Serious A 401K plan early in life and I need advice

    Yeah, pension at $8/hr is pretty funny. It's a good sign that you care about investing money at 18, though. Even if you're not making a load of interest off of your savings, setting aside money for the future is a great idea. However, I'm going to agree that you should seek a college degree...
  9. nomad

    Serious A 401K plan early in life and I need advice

    Go with a normal plan. High-risk pension investments are for when you're older.
  10. nomad

    FFX-2 Did ffx-2 ruin ffx

    As I thought. But really, FFX is known for great story and dialogue? The entire story of X is you trying to find Sin. And then you find it and fight it. For a long RPG, that's really not enough to keep the excitement going the whole time. You could really summarize everything you need to know...
  11. nomad

    Font-size selection in User CP

    I'm wondering if you could add a font-size selection in the User CP alongside the font-family and font-color selections. The reason is that I prefer to use Sylfaen, which by default is a smaller font than most others (as you can see). I have to make it around 15pt to match the size of other...
  12. nomad

    Mafia Round 4 (Version 2!) Sign-Ups

    Well, thanks for the blessing. I've made my own sign-up thread: I've set the rules down for my game; it's a simple setup. Your game can still go on at the same time, even if some of the same players are playing. Which means I'd still like...
  13. nomad

    Mafia (by nomad)

    I see it's been a while since you guys have played mafia. Hopefully by making a new thread and playing by my rules, we'll bring a little life here and potentially some new members can experience the game. It's with this in mind that I'd like to play the version of "newbie mafia."...
  14. nomad

    Mafia Round 4 (Version 2!) Sign-Ups

    I'll moderate. I've done it a dozen times. I'm just going to make a new thread for my game. Is that all right?
  15. nomad

    Finding independent artists/bands online

    Do you guys ever browse the stuff at bandcamp or elsewhere to find music? Here are a couple sites to try: So post any small-time artists/albums you like so we can hear their music...
  16. nomad

    Mafia Round 4 (Version 2!) Sign-Ups

    /in for next
  17. nomad

    What are you currently reading?

    I'm almost done with Lolita and I'm starting Kafka on the Shore. nomad Please expand on your post, as this is a post count section.
  18. nomad

    What Genre of Music Do You Like?

    I like a lot of psychedelic indie pop/rock. Have any of you guys heard of the Elephant Six collective? Neutral Milk Hotel, Olivia Tremor Control, The Apples in stereo, of Montreal, Elf Power.
  19. nomad

    FFX-2 Did ffx-2 ruin ffx

    Tell me, marlena, which is the first Final Fantasy game you played?