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  1. nomad

    [05/06] Final Fantasy 7 HD Remake To Get E3 Reveal

    Doesn't one of these threads get made every year by some overzealous fanboy?
  2. nomad

    Is Aerith A Gay Rights Activist?

    I thought Aeris was a transvestite.
  3. nomad

    We Would be Better off without Religion

    Or jail. Saying we don't need religion is not the same as saying it's false. It's not worth our time to argue that it's false. Being an atheist means living without religion. Simple as that. I don't think about religion for months on end until I run into threads like this.
  4. nomad

    We Would be Better off without Religion

    Why not just turn over a new leaf, change themselves, and help others without religion?
  5. nomad

    [V2] Last Movie You've Seen

    In the middle of AI: Artificial Intelligence. First act is great. While the acting is pretty bad (Monica and Henry particularly overact), the theme and message is riveting. You can tell that Stanley Kubrick really knew what was up. Second act is awful. With all of the cyberpunk Jude Law...