Is Aerith A Gay Rights Activist?

Ayumi Hamasaki

It's a beautiful dream, but a dream is earned
Sep 25, 2009
I present my proof to you all now.

Cloud is clearly homosexual and wants Zack inside him. Tifa is clearly a lesbian who wants to do things with Aerith. Barret is your typical African American closet homosexual, complete with adopted female child.

Aerith clearly supports their relationships. It is clear that she herself is asexual (her rod wasn't much use for battle was it?).

There you have it.l
No, no, no.

Aerith is the one that always get's into Tifa's personal space and cops a feel when she can, and she knows she can get away with it since Tifa is sexually confused already and doesn't entirely hate it. Not to mention she's always talking about tending to "flowers", and wants to tend to Tifa's "flower" as well.
Oh come on...

Aerith is like the original Lady Gaga.

Let's count the days before she gets run through with a giant sword by a homphobic emo who's getting blown by his "friend"
aerith has done a little bit of research...

she wants to make sure that sodomay and 'omosexualitay neva sees the light of legalitay in this land of....thees part of afreeka :jim: