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  1. A

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    I'll answer directly each quote with each individual paragraph. I never quite understood how to use quotes even after 4 years on different forums X_X Anyhow, I'll start at the meat which is the Sephiroth paragraph. First, I understand what you're aiming at, but I can't say for sure that...
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    FF7 - over-rated or under-rated?

    A game may be revolutionary to some degree, but still not be a masterpiece. I'll admit a lot of the masterpieces are like that, but I didn't feel FF7 was one that was able to touch that. It lacks that same feeling I received when I first played Mario on the N64 (revolutionary in its own right)...
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    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    Actually, I never did say Sephiroth was inferior. In matter of fact, if you look at the context as a whole, I defitnitely agreed and said MUTIPLE times that Sephiroth was clearly superior(and hopefully implied that he's the best in the FF7 universe), but not by ages ahead of AC Cloud as some...
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    FF7 - over-rated or under-rated?

    The movie itself is another matter and I agree it's very overrated if you don't have the game's background supplementing it. In my opinion, it's just a sequel done in a movie form; however, if you liked FF7, then it would be a great movie to know more about. It's like one of those games where...
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    Ok, a different verses type question.

    Interesting..., but we need more specific parameters for this vs. question. For example, is Limit Breaks included? If not, Vincent without Chaos will most likely fall pretty fast. If so, Vincent might have the edge because Vincent can try his best to hold on and then turn up Chaos and regain all...
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    FF7 - over-rated or under-rated?

    truthfully, I believe it's overrated and I'm saying that from a general gamer's point of view. I play all types of games- RPG, S-RPG (love Fire emblem), Adventure(Zelda is great), platform, FPS, etc. I don't really care what type games are as long as they serve their purpose-entertainment. And...
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    I just beat FFVII! Here is my review.

    dude, I agree it's enjoyable, but I won't go as far as saying it's one of the best ever. This is my view from a general gamer's view. If you honestly don't feel the RPG gets a bit repetitive, then you must be really hardcore. I don't care about fanboys/girls. There is nothing wrong with them...
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    I just beat FFVII! Here is my review.

    My First FF Review I have reviewed some games before, but it'll be my first FF review. Introduction: Final Fantasy 7 is the first Final Fantasy I've played and from what I heard as a general gamer, it's supposed to be the best (but apparently hardcores think differently). Anyhow, let's get to...
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    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    I just spent about 3 hours or so reading through this whole thread and boy my view were changed. And poor Oath dude, everyone kept on ignoring you. I used to get ignored back in my other forums and yes, it's a shi**y job. As for my view, I personally believe that if we take Crisis Core into...